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Everything posted by davey_norwich

  1. yes they are bmx forks, i snapped my original onza forks and these were the only replacement i have right now as i am abit short of money too spend on my bike at the moment
  2. thanks for the advice m8, but i think im gona keep my bike how it is for now
  3. onza t-pro's are perfect beginners bikes, what part of norfolk you from?
  4. thanks for the advice m8... i had to go brakeless cos the magura bolt snapped off into my frame, i would have got it fixed alredy but im really enjoying rideing brakeless
  5. thanks alot, its nice too get good comments for once
  6. got a few clips http://vimeo.com/6895353 and befor anyone decides too tell me to get a bmx, i alredy have one enjoy.
  7. or stack the spacers ontop of the stem
  8. my local bike shop sells thorn proof inner tubes, the seem pretty puncture proof too me, unless you ride over a nail
  9. i bmx also, but enjoy rideing my trials bike more
  10. first 2 are chainless because my chain decided too snap on me, the rest are with a chain im sure alot of you wont like this because of my 'bmx style' but hopefully ill get a couple of good comments, enjoy. http://www.vimeo.com/6521685
  11. for some reason ever since i started trials iv been goin through chains pretty quick, after snapping a stock kmc chain i spent £30 on a shadow conspiracy half link and that decided too snap on me yesterday. any ideas on what chain too buy next?
  12. nah, in the ghetto people generally call me G-Unit or P-Diddy
  13. why should i limit myself too rideing my bike like a pogo stick?
  14. i have a bmx but i only really like rideing dirt on it, i prefer useing my trials bike for everything else
  15. http://www.vimeo.com/6317134 a mate of mine decided too film me rideing today. probally wont be liked by anyone on this website but i enjoyed makeing it.
  16. im happy with my seatless bicycle thank you but thanks for your opinion
  17. QFT?? btw iv been rideing since christmas
  18. a couple of clips of me and my brother rideing my bicycle, sorry bout the bad quality our dad would let us use the camera because 'we will steal it and sell it for dope' the only clip im really happy with is the 360 first 2 clips are me, last 1 is my brother
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