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STUNTMAN TERRY last won the day on November 5 2016

STUNTMAN TERRY had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 07/27/1988

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    South Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Aaron Browne
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  • Location
    South Yorkshire

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STUNTMAN TERRY's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. cheers dude, it is harsh and 50+ PSI doesn't half make your eyes wobble...
  2. Lol cheers man also, I believe I may have been wrong about my stem... it's a 90mm x 35degrees
  3. Sorry buddy, I don't actually know... could be 80mm at 40degrees lol
  4. Hey guys, iv put a little something together from a load of clips I have gathered over the last few months riding all over the place... Hope you like it
  5. Just a quick update... Vimeo removed the video, so I've finally got around to uploading to YouTube... Surprisingly it's still working... lol
  6. Hey guys, haven't posted a bike picture in a long time on here so... this is my Inspired Hex 2016... The setup for me is just about perfect now and I just love the colour... Really happy with it. hope you like it too.
  7. You, that bike and those wheels look the business... cool clips man
  8. Really enjoyed this, that roll down from the big log was always going to end bad but i was willing it to work... next time? Also that last move... wow, you sent that up so well.
  9. Haha I think that's the song... Maybe a remix but certainly that chorus... but now I know the chorus it's going to drive me mad again now lol
  10. I'm after finding a video? I have had a few song lyrics in my head... I'v been literally struggling to switch off and sleep at night because of it. no idea who it is, where it's from etc etc... the only thing I have is the potentially incorrect lyrics and it's quite up tempo... 'le long de la long de long le long long...' this is on repeat in my head and I am sure it's from an old school video, European maybe?? if anyone can help and save my sanity it would not go unappreciated haha Thanks Aaron
  11. Thanks guys, appreciate your comments. as mentioned in Mr Travis's post I am riding Holy Rollers and Mr Clay is riding a Kaiser on the rear. I did come from Kaiser and it does take some time to get used to it... I have resorted to 60+PSI in my tyres to avoid pinch flats lol
  12. Time is something i haven't had much of lately with one thing and another but on the odd occasion that i do have some, i call my main man Barry. This video is Barry and i having some fun out on the Inspired Hex's in the cold. Best Regards Aaron
  13. Hey guys, Flipp and I went for a ride yesterday and filmed most of it... Hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it Thanks Aaron.
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