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Everything posted by Borat

  1. Ummmm.... It is memory as in Ram memorie.
  2. GTFO Curwood, least I can sidehop too two wheels! On the more, uplifting hand. Me and now my dad are getting on at the counsil at getting a course built. If you lot actually knew my background, you would either quit trials or ride these banks most days of the week. Im not going to quit trials just because people dont like seeing those banks. It's not like you actually have to watch, is it?
  3. Thats um.... entertaining, if your eyes can handle that huge amount of pixels.
  4. Thanks. BTW, it's not filmed with a phone. When ever I compile a video in song vegas it normally comes out on the 600/650mb mark. Vimeo is limited to only 400mb if you arent a paying member and Youpube takes forever to upload and then years to process. So I downgrade it.
  5. Haha, thats all you get in Reading. Chinese people selling knock off DVD's for drug money. (not being racist there)
  6. This one time, at band camp....... Nah, back in septemberl when I first got my t-vee. Went and rode in newbury with connor powell, woody etc. This drunk man comes and starts shouting at us and chucking apples at us, so we started to move on when Connor picked up one of the apples and winged it at this drunk matey skimming his nose. He looked confused for like a minute, then worked out that it was an apple thown to him, not a bottle of Gin. Haha good days. EDIT: Found the FAIL of a topic I made later that day. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....chucking+apples
  7. Haha, thanks mate. I like the good bit of decent critisism. EDIT: Song is defualt this by 65 days of static
  8. Im using sony vegas 8pro... So no cutting the end off songs, even though the song has 2/3 seconds left anyway?
  9. And dont write 'dont incluse banks init' I am genuinly wanting to know how I can improve, or what is your faveroute style of editing (include a link if possible?) Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  10. As it says in the title, slate me all you want; I will never sink! Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  11. Not sure what grade mine was, wasnt very harsh. Did the job. Ahh, I dont want to seem like a complete mong, does mr muscle atually work?
  12. I sanded the majority of mine, wet n dry. Anywho; if you want to spray it, bag yourself some poundland primer and use that?
  13. Hey there and welcome to the forums. Keep your post's tidy with capital letters and full stops, you will be validated and be able to post in the members section of the forums. Also I advise you to have a look at me and me. If you havn't done so already, post your intro into here. See you in members. x
  14. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  15. Lol, to be honest that is going to have no difference at all.
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