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Everything posted by Borat

  1. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  2. Aha, thanks for all of the advice guys. For once I havent made a complete FAIL of a topic.
  3. Don't have a sister. I hate getting all of my jeans raped by my tensile, plus I just would like to try wearing something abit different TBF.
  4. Sorry, should have used RSQ. :$
  5. Evening all, I have been pondering. Where is the best place to go, to get some cheap (prefferably black) skinny jeans? Thanks all. x
  6. I was proud of my 2minute fisheye. Thanks for the riding comments. x
  7. Saw this on facebook this morning. AMAZING. x
  8. Cheers TheGeorge!. I only made this one so close to the ;Any better, TF?' One was to see if the editing was any better. x
  9. A friend of mine does a 360 backflip, you need too watch it. I couldn't give a toss if you love or hate it. It's a mess around vid/ride, nothing serious.
  10. I know, im not sponcered by them. Im not mentioning or trying to imply that I am. If I was, I would have said 'Looking for a sponcer' Like Jamie Williams did.
  11. Aha no, Homemade fisheye/wideangle. Im gunna smooth it all out. It was a 2minute job. x
  12. Yeah I know. Look at how uneven and filled with glass and stones the ground is.
  13. No banks. Good (well I think) edit, Good riding, Good little ride. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  14. Is it brand new? If not, it needs a bleed. Then report back.
  15. I have never seen a video of you before, so for all I know, you may not even be able to pedal hop.
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