Yeah, If I get afew more pictures; It will show that the other week I had already started 'cif oven cleaner's' the rims. Rear is nearly done, all is looking good for me. x
Hey Joe!, On behalf of my non validated friend (T-bird Tom) He is really looking foward to getting the Ice. But he said read this and is quite disssapointed about it. Please make alot more of the Ice's for the benifit of onza and other willing riders. Thanks, Jack. x
Get anangle grinder and cut it slit in the bolt even more than it already is. They use a decent screwdriver to get it out. If it threads, helicoil it. x
No tyres........ Nahh, it's all personal preferance. It is a dependant variable; you weigh more you add more air, you weigh less; you add less air. I, personly am rather light. So I dont have alot of psi in my tyres for sidehopping etc. x
Hey muel, i used cif (or jif, hy did they change the name:P) over cleaner on my bars to remove the adonised. It worked a treat, there is a section in the wiki on it. x