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Everything posted by Borat

  1. Thank God. I have been waiting for a new for from you for a while Andy. You are an inspiration for me, you have the best frenchies I know. Your black mumba video was sick, this is even more sicker. Top video mate. Keep riding.
  2. But your lovelyyyy, and been my guardian angel, stopping me from saying certain things etc.
  3. Haha, well I desevre it. Being on this forum, pissing off members for nearly a year or so now. I think I should have something to renmber it by. Nahh, I was an irritating wankstaine. I (and krisboats) think im much better now. Mabee not perfect, but hey. No-ones perfect.
  4. Tf's most hated- Jack chinnery.
  5. No need to bump a topic after afew minutes. But yeah, looks the part to me. Gte it and turn it single speed.
  6. I tried it with my t-vee. It went abit out of control, (the wire bead slit my finger right open. :/ )
  7. Sorry, but id much rather be all in tact, with at least a cheapy helmet and a shite/cheap frame. Dont be such a mong, ask your parents for a little money to go get one of those £5.00 tesco helmets!
  8. Yeah, a helmet. Plus I thought your Ice was f**ked?
  9. Yeah, but non like you. Ben isnt a complete tool, like you seem to be.
  10. Best 26" Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  11. Borat

    Ryan Crispy

    That was fooking sick. Really good video that Ryan mate. Enjoyed that.
  12. Rawww, I founded him, I did! http://www.r8talk.com/forums/member.php?u=2695
  13. Best TGS video= Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  14. Borat


    Lol, you get it, roflmao sleegzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It wasnt even ment to be funny.
  15. Borat


    What is he doing, waiting for the delivery of travel monopoly?
  16. Nah thats the lenth of the chainstays, not the year it comes out.
  17. You are such an inspiration, Kieren. Really, make one video a week.
  18. My frame then. Big step for onza, Will defonatly be buying a 20010 frame. x
  19. Sorry, but that just angers me! I (L) Him.
  20. Yeah, e45 cream. Or some moisturiser would do the trick. Like you have already mentioned, it extracts the natural moisture out of your skin. Hence why you are ment to use gloves for washing up etc.
  21. Yeah, it rides amazingly.
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