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james webster

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About james webster

  • Birthday 04/02/1984

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  • Real Name
    james webster
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Lots of stuffs.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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james webster's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. This. http://www.stanleytools.com/catalog_images/mid_res/12-960_mid_res.jpg Have done a load of tyres this way. Pop on the rear and pump up hard. put bike upside down. Pedal at a steady pace. And just run this over them. My ones have all ways come out almost perfect. Only problem is when doing a mod front tyre. As you can't put it on the rear. Apart from that.it's the way I have done them and will again.
  2. I have had an old set of 24/7 bmx cranks that had reverse threads. But no other cranks i have had. So don't knows if any other cranks have had them. Or just them.
  3. happy birthday to Ruth Webster. hope you have an amazing day baby. loves you. xxx

    1. MadManMike


      Yeah, happy birthday baby.

    2. dann2707
  4. Fing bikes. Flat tyre. So bus home it is then. Joy.

  5. well my phone is home form Sony. i have a new one. not just a fixed one. so think my old one must have been beyond fixing. good times

  6. is a moody old goat

  7. well that's that over and done with. time to enjoy the weekend.

    1. TOMTRIALS123


      Its almost over now :(

  8. have my number back now. thank you that is all. 07578478509

  9. happy star wars day to one and all. may the forth be with you.

  10. my phone is away at the moment. off to Sony to see if it can be fixed. so call me or text me on 07586216641 if you need me. not that any one will.

  11. So Grillstock. its 7th and 8th of June. any one up for it. just a day. or both. or the pit crew.

  12. good Saturday so far. bit of a late start. nice. bacon and sausage baguettes for breakfast. nom nom nom. then a bit of tv sat on the sofa. then bake some alcohol and lemon stuffs for tomorrow. why cant every day be this.

  13. Thanks to every one for the birthday messages so far. Very good day. And off to Salisbury for fun and shopping. With Ruth Webster.

  14. Bloody good weekend. Amazing time on sat seeing every one. And a good day today seeing all the family. And no work tomorrow. Good times.

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