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About i_wanna_trials

  • Birthday 10/20/1992

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  • County (UK Only)
    West Sussex
  • Real Name
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza limey 3 hope hubs, trial zone brake, racing line rear brake, Arcade bars and Jitsie bar tap.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Beard keeper, university student, home bike mechanic and car guy.
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. I get that, I'm the same, I want to go higher, and drop higher but then when I get there I'm like nahhh maybe not :L.
  2. Yeah I have been riding for a few years now, and just not progressed very much. Its funny that you commented on this, because I was just reading the sidehop technique post you made :L, hopefully I will learn sidehops soon.
  3. Thats the Seasucker mini Bomber I think its called. They are supposed to be really good, but loads of people are questioning it. I was going to get one for my car if I could afford it :L.
  4. Wow thanks for all that! I will work on that this weekend hopefully and report back. Seriously thank you for taking the time to explain and write all of that. Hopefully I will get a video of practice sometime soon.
  5. This probably will sound super stupid, but how do I get more height in a pedal kick? I can get up two pallets easy, three is doable just about. I'm doing pedal kicks from stationary. On a 20 and 26 bike, any help would be mega appreciated.
  6. Your probably better than me, in summer I ride around every day, never ride during winter, or during exams.
  7. I have been using a pair of DMR Moto RTs for like three years now, and they havent let me down. They were £15 a tyre when I got them and they are good on the dry and wet!!
  8. Awesome it will be nice to learn from someone else better than me :L (I'm really bad)
  9. Hi guys summer is coming and I wanted to ride again, who rides trials in Crawley, I want someone to practice with and progress!!
  10. I remember trying to ride in full length jeans once and found it impossible because they kept coming down or I couldn't move very much. I ride in 3/4 length jeans so they are nice and loose and easy to move in, all summer I'll ride in 3/4 lengths admittedly my shins don't love me for it but oh well.
  11. This is my Limey 3 (Lexie) for 5 years, she has been the most reliable bike ever and this was taken this year, which is her last year of riding with me.
  12. Ok so I started this in 2009 I haven't been on this forum since then :L ok so I still ride trials and this whole post is shocking I have been the only one for years and this year a friend of mine started to trials a little bit. Anyway in Crawley this year I rode at the skate park in august like every morning, normally i ride in town or at the shops and things like that. I don't ride in winter so I'll probably be out again after April I have uni so its kinda hard to ride as much. If you're ever in Crawley ask about the white trials bike or the trials rider with a beard ;L or just send me a private message. I ride everyday in the summer holidays, it would be amazing to have more people to just casual ride. Don't worry I'm still rubbish on a trials bike. Just so you know there are not many good spots to ride in Crawley I just ride around and if I see anything I may try it maybe.
  13. well i found some one selling a brand new one for 100 or he says its brand new n all that. and would it be a good frame to start 20 inch trials on ? i ride bmx currently
  14. i was looking at a Zona Zenith frame and i really liked the look of it as i wanted to get back into trials and i was wondering if it would be a good frame and whats the geometry, and would it be good to ride because i used to ride 26 and now i'm mainly bmx etc so what do you guys reckon of it? how much is the frame worth if its like new condition? and would it be good to ride for me?
  15. hi i was just woundering if i was the only trials rider in crawley as i have never seen another trials bike in crawley lol if there are can you let me no n were u guys ride by the way this i crawley west sussex
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