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About rocky111

  • Birthday 06/25/1992

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    ZOO Pitbull frame middleburn cranks hope2 disc brake magur hs33 hope hubs because BB
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    music,biking,cooking,building guitars...
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Very enjoyable to watch which is surprising for a head cam video. I loved how it flowed, you really got the sense he was just riding round the city having fun. did some great lines. Kinda surprised that he didn't get fined for weaving in and out of people on the pavement like that, but maybe they'r less strict on that sort of thing there.
  2. heart was in my mouth nooope
  3. great style all around, smooth and hardly any corrections. makes me want to ride again I wish I was this good.
  4. enjoyed that very creative riding
  5. such style and control, great to watch.
  6. That was so good really enjoyed it, best video to watch yet.
  7. yeah Sounds like it's cross threaded can normally tell be able to tell just by looking at it or with a new frame paint gets over sprayed on to the threads. Sometimes you can save it if you find where the thread is supposed to start and carefully screw in a steel cup, that's if it's not too buggered, or if it's over spray just brute force and a greased steel cup. A good shop might have the proper taps and could chase the thread and sort it out for you.
  8. When I got my first bike (Onza rip) I crossed threaded both of the pedals onto the cranks rendering it useless for several months until I could get new cranks.
  9. A guy approached me and asked me about my bike and why it had pink wheels, I explained that it was second hand that the colour was of no consequence to me. After we had talked for a while, he then left me with the line "you've got the bright wheels, now all you need is the light of Jesus Christ in your life" it was like some kind of bizarre pick up line. 0_o
  10. so much control and style great lines but making huge stuff look effortless. top notch
  11. great riding bloody huge side hopes and nice balance really enjoyed that
  12. That was really enjoyable to watch that he's got skills for sure so smooth
  13. I preferred Duncan's riding seemed more natural and smooth, more pleasing to the eye then allot of the technical stuff Danny does.
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