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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. I had this problem on my 09 lynx, to solve it i had to change the sprocket to an offset one like the Because sprocket with the teeth closest to the spokes.
  2. I'm only messing, i mean that they seem to get very angry over dabs or 5's. Just ignore me
  3. Laurence Knight Do you think this is good or bad Abel Mustieles? I want a elite riders opinion on this change. Will you not be too tired to do an extra 4 sections? 23 hours ago ยท Like Abel Mustieles I think that we will be a supermans for ride the superfinal in a good conditions, I like the old model of Worlds Cups, but if this change is good for us and can come TV...We need to say OK Rick Koekoek Its yes and no.. We need to get stuf changed..dont know if this is the right thing.. But I agree on the Superman bit! So you will be Batmen? http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=343658245652608&id=1532134327&notif_t=share_reply
  4. Big betty for the rear, at 990g Not sure what to suggest for the front, i use kenda 8 block 2.1 but its a bit of a streety tyre not sure how well it would grip on rocks, is VERY light though.
  5. Anyone know why they moved away from the tech lever for 2012?
  6. Click on the second picture on tribalzine which takes you to youtube, then in the bottom left hand corner of the video box you can vote there. http://tribalzine.com/?John-Webster-dans-Canada-s-Got
  7. Correct from what i understand. They ride the four hardest sections again, straight after they finish the final, you would have thought they would be too tired after the final to ride again?
  8. His riding looks like its got bigger since his last video + the new bike probably helps.
  9. Benito uses a v2 on the rear so that must say something to be fair.
  10. After the final they immidiatley(spelling?) have to go into the super final, only the top 4 riders will compete in the super final, this change is for the tv media. surly the riders would be too tired to do this?
  11. How old is this kid? If he's as old as i think hes f**king pro.
  12. I havn't seen this here before the video was posted on YT in early november so just wondered if it was a repost or not. Hes riding the echo SL frame for anyone who doesn't know.
  13. Option 1. and wtf is that stem? thats weird.
  14. Zoo will be much stronger and is disc + 4bolt but the echo's geo looks nicer.
  15. My god, how does he get into those positions! Would love to know how tall the wall is.
  16. You've got a crack in your rim mate, dont know if you knew or not just thought i'd point it out?
  17. What's the point in the machined down headset?
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