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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. Didn't really like the video.. not enough trials in it, too much talking.
  2. Carbon is alot stronger than i thought it was, especially with the hits against the concrete. So i suppose this monty frame will be super light super strong?
  3. Its been like it all week, tried logging and out and obviously tried closing the browser considering its all week.
  4. I put spelling after permition. I'm only after serious answers, i'm pretty pissed atm. I tagged my girlfriend in a message and this just comes up she says and again the status just disappears on my wall. The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
  5. I dont know where to start, what to do or anything, im shit with computers. I can set status's, post photos etc but they never show up. As soon as i hit the "post" button it disappears like i never wrote/ uploaded anything.. also i have a few new friends on facebook i tried to chat to them and it says "you do not have permition(spelling?) to talk to this person" As you can immagen its quite frustrating, any ideas whats up?
  6. lighter, cant pinch i think thats about it. But if you get a puncture from a thorn or something i think you need a new tyre (correct?) This
  7. Looks like you pissed it, go for 9?
  8. less powerful than the marta or older hope brake?
  9. I love the look of these brakes, is it just the lever thats different or has the calliper changed too? Is it more powerful than the older style one? Mark, how does it compare to stans magura marta because you said that was the tits, yeah?
  10. Sorry edited that, decided that was a little harsh Whats wrong with asking though? thats whats the forum is for.
  11. Only asked i thought you were a doctor or whatever so i thought i'd ask you = better awnser?
  12. Let us know what they're like.
  13. looks LUSH always liked your bike but it just got better i think
  14. What the f**k does their laugh sound like? Last move was good though.
  15. Yepp, my weight constantly goes up and down. never over 9 stone never under 8.5 stone. Is what im lifting good for my weight? I do try to put on weight but i CANT do it, i eat like a f**king pig too! A f**king tonne no doubt.
  16. haha, well i dont want it massivley heavy, anything over 10kg (because im a skinny f**k) but im not going for like sub 8kg
  17. Nah, i've given up the weight watching, 600-700g downhill tube in the rear 600g shimano saint up front Yeah i was, it was alright nothing special but thanks
  18. Whoops, didn't read the topic propperly, thanks. I ride 24.
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