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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. It's a shame that the sene is so small, I'd love to try some comps. It might be hard to tell but do any of the older riders think the trial sene is getting smaller? Might even die out in an extreme case?
  2. Always found those frames odd ones, whats the geo?
  3. I voted for inspired purely because people rarely have problems with their frames and products unlike some other brands such as speedrace welding 4bolt mounts in the wrong place, ( i know they're not up there just an example.)
  4. Yeah just thinking that it was sold ages ago so they might not know. I'd do it if you trusted me to
  5. That looks epic! If only our group had something like that
  6. Carl could we test to see if your hope blade would fit?
  7. Echo tr disc or rim brake. Fresh products. RB lever new/old style. Not sure about 2004 magura. Probably hope trial blade.
  8. Ah i know the feeling, i miss my vee too! Miss the bite?
  9. You could maybe use 2.5mm of washers and a longer bolt?
  10. Just noticed they go in a zigzag typed thing so you dont get small nobble big nobble etc. Dont know if this picture helps.
  11. I know people cut the nobbles of their tyres to loose weight and gain grip i'm mainly thinking about the gaining grip in this case but i've got a maxxis swampthing tyre should i cut off nobbles and if so which ones? Excuse the bad picture
  12. Best looking pitbull? Whats the front brake like?
  13. For trials use you want organic
  14. Havnt had any from this guy in a while
  15. Can we have pictures of the full bike pleaseee
  16. Its probally to be expected as your bmx will be alot shorter than your street trials bike (24 i assume) There isn't alot you can do other than practice and get used to the bike, if you dont have a very high front end on your trials bike that will also make it harder to hop.
  17. This. Even though i havn't been riding long, i have noticed what TRA pointed out, it seems to be over the last year or so that the videos have gotten crap.
  18. Wasn't as good as i thought it would have been, may need another watch though.
  19. The bb rise is when the wheels are out
  20. I dont think i'll get that stem anymore, im not paying 21euros postage. you mean the try-all 3d? or any stem? Could you do a price match when you have them back in stock?
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