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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. Haha! funny shit! Poor kid. Thought you went to Norwich last week?
  2. It should say on the topcap what fluid your after, should be DOT 4 or 5.1, it should be safe to use mineral oil too due to the fact that its a less harsh oil (not 100% on that)
  3. I'm not sure what semi matalic is but your after a organic pad for trials use, not sure if that helps or not.
  4. Thanks for your help mate. Ill post the finished result.
  5. Okay thanks, i wasn't planning on countersinking it, should i do it? I did think of that but im not sure if i'd have anything that would fit. I'd probally be able to find something to be fair. cheers
  6. I was going to take my front wheel to college tomorrow so that i could enlarge the holes, and i considered drilling some holes in the sidewalls too, How exactly do you do it? I was just thinking because you might have to center punch the rim to get the drill to stay in place but i didn't want to bend the rim, i basicly have no idea how to do it. How big should i drill the holes? and how much weight can you save (roughly? its a 24" rim")
  7. Is this a 26" bike your talking about?
  8. Pretty sweet video, are they using these magura brakes?
  9. Whats so weird about norwich? I thought it was a fairly normal place.. having said that i havn't traveled around the UK alot.
  10. Whoops, do you know of any other bikes that are comming out this year mark?
  11. I want to be able to stay on the rear wheel after a hook but i cant keep the front wheel up, any tips? Sorry for the bad quality, i have no idea why its like that, wasn't like it before it was uploaded
  12. Koxx Kloud So koxx are bringing out a new bike (maybe a new range?) called the kloud, they havn't given much away, especially considering the pictures dont show alot. Artical(spelling??) is here on tribalzine: http://www.tribalzine.com/?+K-124-Days-2012-presentation-du+&fb_comment_id=fbc_10150671902986026_22932275_10150672546551026#f1dc18fbc4 Tribalzine: The K-124 days, this is one of the biggest appointments of the Year competition, who will launch the season elite UCI, but it is also a lounge where the band presents its big news. This year, Koxx to officially present its new Saturday morning Kloud, a top model located on a niche price below the Sky, a true top-level competitor at a price more affordable for the general public. With a pretty face with a deco fun, racy, which reminds us somewhat of the great designs by Sunn Zoobab from the golden age, which we dream a generation of riders ... Koxx foxx Did a little google-ing and came across koxx's design blog where they showed some photos of the koxx foxx 2012 bike being made, again not alot of info on this but good to see they're bringing cheaper frames out. http://k-124design.blogspot.co.uk/ http://www.tribalzine.com/?+Le-Koxx-Foxx-masterise-pour-2012+ Tribalzine: Also new in Koxx coming onto the market after the K-124 Days, the 2012 Foxx, another true racing bike designed for young champions, a music video for future elites ... Contents of improvements: a new geo 'optimized, the choice between options hard and HS 33, or a design that kills (we can assure you first hand) ... For now, here is an overview of the bike before painting. More to follow!
  13. Why are the trial zone brakes so cheap? I know its a good thing just they're like a good £50 cheaper than the old mono trial.
  14. Pretty lush, like the hose upgrade. Any advantages to using those types of rotors in trial?
  15. My top 5 are 1 Two girls one cup 2 Meat spin 3 2 men one hammer 4 2 girls one octopus 5 pain olimpics
  16. Maybe my all time Favorite video
  17. I got 4 pegs from when i rode bmx i'd love to get rid of if you want carl?
  18. Love his videos, want to see a 2012 video from him.
  19. Yes i do understand that but i would prefer to see a different styled frame as appose to a mirror image one. I hate how other company's copy koxx, if everyone copys then frames will all ride the same because they have a similar geo' I do understand your point about the clothing example and profits etc, but i just dont like the fact that everyone copys, every frame should be different, unlike this one.
  20. I dont see the point in copying koxx, for that reason i dont like it.
  21. I havn't tried it but it sounds interesting, may do this soon.
  22. That's so cool, thInk he should have done the bb shell though. Sprised at the weight though thought it would have been lower
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