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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. cupple grand I was waiting for some slating. But seriously this avid was in the bin and i just fixed it up, put it on to try it out and love the lever feel so wondered about swapping them over. Could i have some genuine help though please?
  2. I managed to get hold of an avid elixir brake today, and LOVE the feel of the lever compared to my saint lever, and i was wondering if i could mix and match and use the avid lever on the saint caliper. My only concern is that because the avid is designed to be used with a 2pot caliper and the saint is a 4 pot, would the lever pull back too far if used with the saint 4pot? and would it retain the same amout or give more power when used with the avid lever?
  3. Thats very nice! I like the compy-ish look to it. Vee's are so underrated miss mine. EDIT: watch out for cracks on that fork btw.
  4. Please! put higher bars on that thing. Looking good though, (excluding the pedals)
  5. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, 04 doesn't come with a 4finger lever and magura never made one 05's crack 11's i've heard of leeking, are a little awkward to bleed and the worst looking (IMO)
  6. Disc brakes fascinate me, not sure why but they just do.. hence me wanting to know alot about them. Either way, epic video! Shal be watching this again
  7. How does stan's trial zone compare to his magura marta?
  8. That was such an epic video! loved the guy on the limey 4. There isn't gunna be a part two is there? i need more.
  9. Shouldn't think its any time soon, danny's only just received the first prototypes.
  10. Damn beat me to posting the video He's such a good rider! better than danny IMO because of his competition background. Like his style alot.
  11. It had this (http://soundcloud.com/theprodigy/99-problems-the-prodigy-remix-dirty) Song at the start. It was either 28 or minutes long. It isn't your evil 2 mix though thats minutes long. It must have been last year at some point.. i recall listening to it when i was at school so say around this time to September last year. I'm not that good with genre's though so cant answer that one. Will have a search around the forum see if i can bring anything up. Found this.. might be it? http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/168671-anybody-have-the-scientist-oktober/ Random cat?
  12. Liking this, will have to download. What song of yours has "99 bitches" in it? i used to love that song on my old phone want to redownload it.
  13. Never seen benitos style copied this closely before, such a smooth rider makes everything look SO easy!
  14. Will they/you(taty) be bringing outa full build?
  15. NEW KITTY!! only 8 weeks old havnt decided on A name yet though.
  16. 320g seems to be a fairly average weight for most bars, IMO they are a little low though, however you want the bars to match the BB rise on your bike. Might help if you let us know what bike you have?
  17. thought it was 110mm? EDIT: my bad your right. (no supprises.)
  18. £5 for two hours, f**k that.
  19. What were they thinking with the graphics? Its a little long for me though other than the WB and graphics nice frame. Want to see a full build though.
  20. those tyres with downhill tubes?
  21. I am, dont know me well enough carl I used the grinder on an old rim did okay, need a grind a steeper angle though i think. Before i carry on though i need a new grinder the old ones cable isn't great on this one.
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