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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. LOL i dont think so some how: check this: Laurence.
  2. LOL. Thats quite discusting, but hey. HAHAHAHA most of these made me laugh especially the harry potter ones. Laurence.
  3. HAHA that is really bad! dont think that will be riden again in a hurry. Laurence.
  4. Whats your price range and i might be able to help a little more. Laurence.
  5. I have no idea, it looks as though it rides nice of vids though, sorry i cant really help you that much Laurence.
  6. Quite nice. Love them tyres Laurence.
  7. Good music and video. shame the gu cracked though. Laurence.
  8. I havnt achually said mine yet haha. Ali.C. And Ryan Leech. Laurence.
  9. Hey. well i sergest you pump your tyres hard then slowly let them down for 2-3 secs have a ride around then keep doing that tell they feel right for you. I keep mine around: Fount: 20-25 PSI Rear: 15-17 PSI Hope i helped. Laurence.
  10. How do i download of vimeo ? Laurence.
  11. very true. just someone posting a vid then commenting makes it a little like the video thread if you get me. Laurence.
  12. trials at the olimpics. idiott. Laurence.
  13. How would you deside on the best ? you would need a poll. Laurence.
  14. Sorry ? i'd prefer if you spoke my language. Laurence. I can see what your saying. Do you think we should make a poll ? Earl would that be okay?, because it is your topic. But who would get trials reckignised by the goverment or whoever? Laurence.
  15. Loved watching that, some massve stuff there. I was like shiittt when he fell off the balcany. Laurence.
  16. Haha you make me laugh:) Laurence.
  17. Nice stuff in that video. Not bad side hops and some fairly big gaps. Laurence.
  18. Really enjoyed watching this! How do i download it ? Laurence.
  19. I would say I-pro (try and get one with hydrolic's) I have one and they're amazing bikes! i would have had mine a month next thu' and i've learnt so much in that first month, its achually amazing haha. Hope i helped. Laurence. PS. if you want to talk more feel free to add me on msn (which you can get from my profile on here.)
  20. For that price i would say. onza cleaner or hitman i allways forget one is really bad aparently or mod onza t-bird you can get for about £150 Hope i helped Laurence.
  21. Yeah I see what your saying I personally would Love to watch it and see it happening. BUT ("There's always a but isn’t there") I could be wrong but I think the Olympics is more... say... oldish sports eg. Swimming weight lifting gymnastics etc. I’m not really sure it would fit in. If you wanted it in the Olympics you would probably have to get a petition and go up and down the country getting people to sign it then take it to the government. Laurence.
  22. Yeah hes not bad, i like his vids too especially this one: Laurence.
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