Jeeze dude little hard on the guy!?!?! its his first bike and you probably made him regret buying it now, your an idiott! hes only been on the forums 4 days and what do you think he thinks of the people on here now? da bombs arnt exactly a first class starter bike so i dont know what your on about! On to my comment haha: It would make a good starter bike mate! They arnt that heavey they arnt the strongest bike in the world put it that way but they survive 10 ft jumps so you can go a long way on that bike! You'll be rear wheel hopping side hopping and peddle kicking in no time at all, good luck with trials mate. Laurence. PS. feel free to add me on msn Ps(2): sorry if treeted you like a 10 year old, cause for all i know you could be 23 haha