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Everything posted by Laurence--Trials

  1. Unlucky sorry to hear about that mate. Laurence.
  2. 4 bols 4 washers and 4 spaces... hope not.... dan no.2 lol Laurence. Well they where £90 not sure if that says anything... But my dad is going to ring them to see whats going on. if not we cant put the brake booster on and we'll have to take links out of the chain (I think i lost his link remover )
  3. de-oil the chain phaps maybe theres too much on there ?
  4. Ok i got my new brakes today (magura hs33's) they sent an extra brake booster half the amount of bolts half the amount of washers and half the amount of spacers well gutted about it Just kinda warning people. Dont use them. Has anyone else used this sight before ? Is this a second trials uk comming up hope not Im soo gutted about them was looking forward to replacing those old vees and not having the brakes slip when i hop. Laurence.
  5. If its your first started bike go for mod. Laurence.
  6. Jeeze dude little hard on the guy!?!?! its his first bike and you probably made him regret buying it now, your an idiott! hes only been on the forums 4 days and what do you think he thinks of the people on here now? da bombs arnt exactly a first class starter bike so i dont know what your on about! On to my comment haha: It would make a good starter bike mate! They arnt that heavey they arnt the strongest bike in the world put it that way but they survive 10 ft jumps so you can go a long way on that bike! You'll be rear wheel hopping side hopping and peddle kicking in no time at all, good luck with trials mate. Laurence. PS. feel free to add me on msn Ps(2): sorry if treeted you like a 10 year old, cause for all i know you could be 23 haha
  7. Oh fair enough its just your dp/ picture thing it looks kinda silver... my bad Laurence.
  8. that was an encredably good video! hes so smooth too especally on that first jump! Laurence.
  9. Oh fair enough. Do you think it will make the georgous squeeky noise when i brake ? Laurence. cheers guys
  10. Each thing you type just copy and past it into word correct all the spellings help people out and you'll get valadated in no time at all, this post really hasnt helped you get valadated though, sorry mate. Laurence. Ps. remember capital letters punctuation etc.
  11. Oh lol, i dont like the "nearly" cause i herd magura blacks are bad, right? atleast i know what they are now. cheers guyyyys Laurence. Came with the brakes... whats 521?
  12. wow pritty nice frame! silver right? Haha when did you achually start riding ? I've only been riding sayy.... month 3 weeks now
  13. Nice what frame ? when is your new vid due to be out ? People say hes a bmxer on a trials bike... if you look at his vids each trick he dose after it say trials or bmx (wich trick it was) then he tends to do more bmx stuff...
  14. Awesome! No wayy! i got no money atall at the moment they're the only pads i can get my hands on for the mo... Cheers anyway.
  15. Nice video, 1:00 was massive (looked it anyway) Laurence.
  16. My new hs33's arived today and they've got pads i've never seen before they're not on tarty so i just wanted to find out what pads they are and if they're good or not. description: A hard compound which is brown, the backing to them is black the achual pads have got 6 rectangular shaped holes on the top 2/3 mm into the pads. pictures of the new brakes and pads: http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab145/L...brakes001-1.jpg http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab145/L...icbrakes002.jpg http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab145/L...icbrakes003.jpg http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab145/L...icbrakes004.jpg http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab145/L...icbrakes005.jpg sorry they're not the best quality pictures in the world.... feel free to comment etc. Thanks. Laurence. EDIT: sorry im not sure why the pictures havnt come up, and turned into links. EDIT(2): Oo do they make that georgous squeeky noise when you hop on the rear wheel n stuff ? PS i gotta wait tell my dad gets home cause he wanted to put them on
  17. Not sure you noticed..... your missing a wheel Hope i helped! Laurence.
  18. I really like it the blue rims go well with the white frame forks and stem. laurence.
  19. thats an old school t-pro ant it ? if not thats a t-bird. and yeah it seems pritty good stay around £80-100 on it though... laurence.
  20. All to complicated for me haha Laurence.
  21. cheers mate video was good, do you ride stock now ? Laurence.
  22. Oh right, thats a well high pressure ! suprised the wires dont explode sometimes. Laurence.
  23. REALLY ? Do you have any videos muel ? thanks. Laurence.
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