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Everything posted by moose-iow

  1. that i agree with, jahovas really pee me off the way they come knocking on your door!
  2. wahoo score for me! im gona be at work till 6am
  3. think i might have a look in to this.
  4. i belive there has got to be more to life than just life and death. i just dont know what i offten wonder about stuff like this, i just dont know what to belive because of all the different religions. i think it will be something i start looking in to more when i get some spare time. Or when i am a bit more mature.
  5. my thoughts are with his family and close friends he always seemed so helpfull on rides where i met him
  6. Lola Sweethooter could get used to that
  7. work nigths monday to friday, so can never sleep at night on the week ends so am sat here watching family guy and scrubs. think i know all episodes of by heart now!
  8. it is true that the levels are repetetive but there are alot of other things to do in this game, and with the free running stuff once you get in to the game u get upgraded equipment which gives you more control over it. the worst part of the game is all the tutorials at the beginning. but i suppose its like everything each to there own, but i would say it is at least worth renting.
  9. i am completely addicted to assassin's creed it hasnt left my xbox since i bought it the day it came out i just love the free running aspect of it and there is nothing more fulfilling than assassinating a begger in the middle of a crowd then randomly killing guards. wow reading that back i sound really twisted.........oh well
  10. yep was gaining on him the whole time! he was well impressed!
  11. lucky basted oh yeah up the dual last night fiddes couldnt get away from me in his civic! lol
  12. thats not fair cause when i had my operation it took me 6weeks to get back on my bike and you all got to progress! think i should be aloud to!
  13. lol at least u got pussy points quigley! see you out riding when its better!
  14. better check u ain't f**ked the chaise mate
  15. hope he pulls threw give my best to him is he stll in the coma?
  16. moose-iow


    you just made me cringe as i read that! feel sorry for you dude hope there all still in working order!
  17. Source ft Candi Stanton - You've got the love Lange feat. The Morrighan - Follow me these songs mean so much to me because they were playing at my friends funeral when i walk in and every time i hear it it reminds me off him.
  18. i was not calling him a tool because someone went in to the back off him i was calling him it because he has completely contradicted himself so read it properly next time
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