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Everything posted by 315r

  1. Correction. Not full bikes but tarty have frames of Cannibal available... http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/26_inch_frames/ozonys_cannibal_v3_green_graphics/c14p11576.html
  2. extremely priced, same reliability, a little bit lighter than standard SL
  3. This is another thing. Could be that V3 have different geo than V4? V3 1075mm, 378mm, +40mm, 71,5º V4 1080mm, 380mm, +45mm, 71.5° ???? More or less same as curve here in Spain...
  4. Thanks ChrisTrials2012, the idea is that my bike is yaabaa 1499 with only +30 and 1080mm, I feel comfortable with it but I'm searching for something better and newer without change a lot or buy a mega long bike with super high BB. And this seems that it's pretty closer to that I want. The other think is that I'm quite short and and long 26 bikes fits me horrible... Bikes like Fans have a really similar geo and everybody said that ride amazing... Anyway, in this case, which frame do you recommend me? Thanks!
  5. Sadly not with cannibal!! Still wonder why..
  6. Agree with Rusevelt, maybe this bike fits better than curve to Damon for street ridding. But in ozonys prefer to promote the curve for some reason. I'ts and "old" geo? Andeee: Did you feel the bike short? It's 1080, is not really short, maybe BB height makes feel shorter than really is? Maybe the stem? I'll fit the bike with 125mm 25º stem, hope that it works well.. Other thoughts?
  7. Fished from the bottom of swamp!!! I'm interested in this bike and I like to know some opinions about it. Why Tarty don't have in stock? Thanks all!! Geo: 1080 / 380 / +45 / 71.5° More info about the bike here: http://max15.hosteur...emart&Itemid=54
  8. 315r

    David Sellero

    Completely agree. David is a amazing rider and nice guy despite his rude appearance in videos...
  9. 315r

    New Gu

    +75 BB and 1104mm long? to much for me....
  10. KMC Kool Chain without split link. Epic
  11. Yes! Why booster spacers of echo are shit? Mine are destroyed, But I have others from try-all booster and they are fantastic.
  12. 315r

    New Stuff

    Prices are insane!!!! 2550 € the sky 20!!!!! pure mad......
  13. Hello. I have 2 questions about rockman slate 3 "big head" Can this bike fit a normal fork? maybe with a special headset? Which headset, not OEM, works with this bike with tapered fork? specially the bottom one. Thanks all!!! http://www.tartybike.../c14p11490.html
  14. One question, this shiny finish last long? or need some kind of lacquer?
  15. I polished (not mirror finished) and lacquered a booster two years ago and it's still shiny. Use it to polish to mirror finish. Do not lacquer over aluminum with mirror finish, the lacquer doesn't hold.
  16. Talking about onza diamond let me ask another question. Do you use this with HS? It hold a grind well?
  17. This is a question that appears once in awhile. I don't have one specific favorite rider, but I can say some that are good enough to expend hours watching their videos. Giaccomo Coustellier Benito Ros Damon Watson TRA Neill Tunnicliffe. CLS And for sure, others that i don't remember now just because they are not as well known as the guys that I have mentioned....
  18. Waiting for Ozonys Curve V3 street edition!!

    1. Luke Dunstan
    2. 315r


      Yes! It exist already. Although now are "in order" in all shops, it's the one with standard head tube and a little bit heavier than the internal head tube. And cheaper!

      I'm waiting for one!!


  19. Come on! Dont ruin it putting new stuff and pivotal seats. This is an genuine old school bike! Remove extra stikers, clean and fix damaged stuff, put this seat maximum down as you can and enjoy a relic. Ah! And this that you say that its a dent in the chainstay is not a dent, is the original form of the frame.
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