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Everything posted by 315r

  1. I will use a angle grinder or similar.. Because I have been trying to do with a cutter and it's very difficult to do a straight cut and i have been near to destroy mi pads.. Thank you.
  2. Hello, I have noticed that my coust pads are not very flat. Now I have mounted other new and flat coust, but the other ones are still with a lot of stuff. I'm thinking to make flat again and mount again, but i don't know how can i do this. Some advice, idea? Thank you.
  3. 315r

    Mod Bars

    For sure, i'm just a waverer. Lot's of people said to me that Trialtech for sure, I would not worry about it... Now is to late, I just have to fit it in my yaabaa and ride to give a final answer.. And finally, looks like the same idea of soft bends are prevailing in handlebars nowadays, you just have to compare the new handlebars like Try-all 2009 and Nowar... looks similar like trialtech... very soft bends....Like old zoo's
  4. 315r

    Mod Bars

    Are you comparing between? Trialtech V.S Old Zoo? Trialthech V.S Monty's?
  5. 315r

    Mod Bars

    Sure, i'm a waverer...... Is correct? waverer? Excuse my english!!
  6. 315r

    Mod Bars

    AAHA! Ok, therefore for my bike stem and style trialtech is the best option..?¿? I like ride natural too! Thank you
  7. 315r

    Mod Bars

    And trialtech? Why people recomended me trialtech 2 weeks ago very strongly and now nobody said nothing about trialtech? For sure because trialtech fits better in stock bikes than mod?? Now i'm waiting to recive my trialtech!! My bike is a 1499 with try-all N.U.C stem.
  8. 315r

    My New Bike

    No spacers and flat bar looks really strange.......extremely flat?¿?¿? All the rest it's good!
  9. And what about Coust?
  10. Antifreeze have oils to prevent this, and corrosion to.. Maybe the solution is bleed fully with antifreeze or adding % of distilled water. No current water ot tap please!! I have a special antifreeze from my old Beta Zero Gara special for a magnesium carter and aluminum pieces. Maybe is the best? No? I'm still running with royal blood because I'm afraid of water bleed.. :$
  11. 315r

    Carles Diaz

    very good technic but use shin guard is a good idea
  12. WOW. Massive gaps, drops.... Congratulations
  13. 315r

    Trials Beginners

    Well I don't like Unicycle to much i prefer biketrials but i understand the people who do it. And the video is good.
  14. Well i'm trying to strike with a little hammer this screw, maybe becomes strong but is not the best idea... Somebody have the answer?
  15. Although this bike looks "strange" with this set up between trial and "street / bmx" it's nice, maybe for a mix uses? But i think that in this way, this frame is not the best selection, maybe marino or something like that??
  16. Exactly, this is the explanation. 4 fingers are forged. and CNC drilled from a piece. anyway. Some solutions for alive screw in magura louise?
  17. AHAAA! Check please the CNC option. You can see that have something like a washer that Echo don't have!! This is the reason because echo need washers to fit in magura lever body pump.
  18. No 4 fingers are not CNC. Check here magura blades, exist CNC magura blades but is not mine. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?cat...amp;brand_id=57 CNC is clearly different. Excuse me but: What does it means IMO?? Thank you Dale Hill!
  19. Ok, therefore, if 4 fingers is better, i left it in the bike. I though that echo was better because echo is CNC and 4 fingers no.. Although echo don't fits well without washers for sure, I fit the same blade in my old monty magura and blade scratch in to magura lever body pump a lot, echo blade is thinner than 4 finguers blade. thank you!!
  20. Thank you nyoli! But the problem it's just that this screw, like you said, loose tension during the riding. Now in Catalan: El cargol ja l'he tocat, peró estigui on estigui es destensa en cada ridding queda molt fluix i es mou del seu lloc, encara que no m'hagi passat... De les arandeles per la Echo saps algo? Thank you / Gracies.
  21. No idea? Please is important.. Thank you.
  22. Hello. I have 2 questions about brake levers blades. 1st: I have a 4 fingers magura lever blade and a Echo blade, What is better? and How can I fit a Echo in the magura lever body? I Think that I need a extra washers to fit perfect but I don't know wich is the correct thickness of washers. 2nd: How can i disassemble a magura louise lever blade? I have been reading all the documents in Magura web and don't explain well. My magura lever blade lose tension during the ride and i don't know what can i do. I noticed that the screw is loosened during ride.... I have been used the "search" tool and I didn't find nothing, if it is a repost let me know... Thank you.
  23. Chorrillas grips and alpinestars gloves is my choice.
  24. Lol!! In catalonia i never listen this name before despite my experience with trial motorbikes..... All the things looks really good!!!! Congratulations.
  25. OOOHHHH!! Maybe Alex trials boy thought that he was the youngest!!!
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