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Everything posted by 315r

  1. 315r

    Tire Pressure

    Something between that allow you feel bouncy and sticky and avoiding punctures..
  2. Looks so short in pictures.. Anyway, I love zoos.. But I prefer Alu and green typical scheme for rims, bars, etc... NIce bike. Front booster?
  3. Some guy explained to me that diamond cutting disk was better than others to grind a rim. I didn't believed it, but should be truth...
  4. Yeah! HAHA! I mean external differentiation..
  5. Black is the new 2011 Echo SL Free-wheel. Silver was the 2010 one. Although the colour is the only change... Remember that TR and SL 2011 are black, the only change is that the letters are filled of black colour in SL and completely silver in TR..
  6. Hello all! Thanks for the advices and comments. At the end I have bleeded my HS33 with shimano mineral oil (pink). And obviously it don't have the response of water but not too bad, could be better than magura royal blood. Today I have been riding, not under extreme hot, and it seems that works well.. Probably I kept this oil for a while, maybe I'm still in time to avoid damaging pistons..
  7. Interesting point, I listen this solution before, although I never find how to remove the piston out of the body and try to do it without any idea scares me :$ for sure, it have been explained before, but I can't find it. You can explain me some highlights to take out the piston? thanks in advance
  8. HAHA! Yeah, I listen something like the pistons with long time of water bleed absorbs water and they expand a little bit, for sure, under hot conditions they expand a little bit more causing the problem of, first of all, sticky pistons under hot conditions and finally sticky pistons under all conditions.... Be careful with rum mate..
  9. Yeah! I know cayman islands, fantastic place! Mine locked up when I pull the lever, then I release the lever and the piston remain on the body pump like when the spring don't have enough power to return the piston to their place... I have here some shimano mineral brake oil that I listen that works better than magura's although, for sure, works worse than water..
  10. Hello! No, not specially hot (+/- 31º Celsius, maybe more under direct sun). I had ride in worse conditions of hotness with water bleed, this year and last year, for sure.. I was a defender of water bleed but now I'm quite confident that this situation is generated by 2 years of exposition of pistons to water aggravated by the hot day... sadly I'm quite sure to return to oil again What do you think? Do you have the same problem?
  11. Hello. For first time in my Hs33 and after 2 years of water bleed i feel lazy pistons, I think that the problem is in the master cilinder.. The thing is that this situation only happen under hot conditions. Today I have been training under criminal sun and the piston, master cilinder maybe, began to stick. I had touch the body pump and was really hot under the sun, when I put the bike under a shade of a tree the piston starts to work normal.. then I have tried to train something more and when I put the bike on the sun the cilinder become lazy again. This may be due the water bleed after 2 years plus the extra expansion of the material due the high temperature? How can I return to the normal situation? maybe bleeding again with oil? I realy prefer the feeling and response of water but... Somebody have been experimented this situation? Thanks!
  12. Just enjoy yourself. And try to maintain your forearms in good conditions, I remember that, for me, that part of the body was the most difficult to maintain in good conditions trough the trial.
  13. I did a poll more or less like this not far away including other options like magie. The option of BB7 was widely supported... Super strong bite and response and easier to pull than Hope, but a little bit weak, seems like some people have snapped the calliper. Finally I get a Hope 180mm and after 2 riding's I'm very happy with it.
  14. Thanks!! The selection have been done. Final selection is Hope mono trial with 180 hope mono brake rotor, plastic hose and caliper number 5 I have to do the running in because it's completely new, but seems that work quite fine..
  15. I don't know nobody that use this. my advise, go for something that people use. Hope mono / tech or avid BB7
  16. Nice idea! but 205 mm are to much pan for me. And I prefer Hope mono trial 180mm brake rotor than other in 205. Moreover, if I will try to sell front brake in the future, the small calliper are widely used. At least in Spain, then I will sell it faster...
  17. You broke your new frame in 6 weeks?
  18. Just re-fish this to give and advise for all others that have the same problem. I bought a hope mono trial with "large" calliper and 180 disk rotor. When I mounted all in the bike I realised that the calliper only bite half of rotor.. Problem, my fork have a 20+ mount, then the large calliper for 180mm... Result: 200mm. Stupidly I thought that all mounts were +0mm and didn't realise that mine was larger.. Now I have to change the calliper to small one to fit 180mm rotor. My fork is the OEM of yaabaa 1499, I think that only this and Trialtech fork have this +20 mount too, but in general other forks are +0.. Is this true? I really prefer, for stock bikes, +20 mounts IMO I hope this helps others to avoid problems.
  19. 315r

    Yaabaa 1499

    Ok, thanks for comments! this change my point of view about avids, for sure.... Talking about the bike. I focused that this bike have and extra reinforced plate, I don't know how to say exactly... that my yaabaa doesn't have, is this little plate in the opposite side of rear braking mount. You can see perfectly this plate in last picture, between this two tubes. Interesting because I saw one yaabaa without this plate that snapped just in this place. could be this frame have been bought recently? Maybe mine is older...
  20. 315r

    Yaabaa 1499

    Fantastic spec!! What can you tell me about your front avid BB7? I Want to change my front brake in my yaabaa 1499 and the only thing that makes me doubt is that in comps some people said that Avid could tire your finger more than a hope, for example. This is true?
  21. since my last crash, 3 weeks ago. I haven't ridden the bike, my finger is still painful

  22. Yah! Is the same Luis, Jabayolas or something like that? He have a sticker in his car with this name, this is because I remember the name. :lol:
  23. Ok, send me your price in a private message and let me think about.
  24. AHAHA! Although this is a English forum and Masquefa is so far away you can't lie, always somebody can see you.. :lol: This place near Albarracín is fantastic, maybe there you know one of my riding friends, Luis, from Barcelona. There you have a fantastic place to ride!!
  25. You sale it? Right or left hand? But maybe the courier to Spain is too expensive..
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