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About Hammerhead

  • Birthday October 11

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  • Real Name
    Joe Mercer
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  • Location
    Longfield, Kent, UK

Hammerhead's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Sounds like an HS33 on the rear for sure then! Any opinions for good pads for use on a smooth rim? Luke, what cables and levers are you using on your BB7? Just wanna be able too easily lock the front with one finger! Joe
  2. HI all, been registered on here for a wee while now, been lurking in the shadows and just absorbing information though! Been messing around on a Full Bouncer XC rig with some basic trialsy stuff for ages! Found it really helped on the trails! Anyway, finally got around too buying my first trials rig a few weeks ago, and am now the owner of a new Ashton Justice Resolve. Really pleased with it and so far progressing at a much quicker rate than i was before! Changes too the bike are pretty lame at the moment, having only changed the bars too a set of uber wide Sunline V1 745's! Next thing on my list is too sort out the braking set up, as im finding it a bit naff at the moment, which is where the questions start! Bikes currently equipped with a Tektro Quad front (cable pull) and a Shimano Acera Vee on the back... Both being paired too Tektro Levers. Have come up with a few options that i was hoping youd be able too offer me your views on! 1. Scrapping the front calliper and replacing with a BB7 w/203mm rotor and changing both levers too Avid SD7's, keeping rear V and just replacing pads too Inspired/Rockman? 2. Scrapping the front, replacing with BB7 w/203mm and changing lever. Replacing rear completely with a HS33 and suitable pads? 3. Replacing both front and rear with HS33's? (Least keen on this option as really like the modulation that a disc offers...) 4. Any other ideas? Sorry about the essay of a post! And thanks for any replies in advance! Joe
  3. Suprised me that there putting them Hope M4's on a new show bike though... I've had them on my XC/Trail bike for about 6 or 7 years now..! Not saying there not good brakes though...!
  4. MAD Phase....! (Just because i have one...) But seriously, it depends on what you want from the bike, all of the manufacturers specialize in different areas, no one manufacturer make an awesome bike that just works for everything... yet! But also remember that 15-20 years ago people were riding trials on Cross Country bike... As well as Downhill... 4X... Cross Country... Jumps... Its down too the rider more than the bike! (Even though i often blame it on the 'Steed')
  5. Just wondering whether any of you rode or knew people that rode around the Dartford/Longfield area? Which is in Kent for those that don't know! Usually travel around a bit towards Gravesend/Dartford or hop on the train up too London. But it'd be handy if anyone rode locally just for someone to practice with! Cheers.
  6. I like DMR V12's... Always ran smooth for me and never had a problem... And if you can afford them the magnesium ones with the Ti axles make them stupidly light...
  7. Here's one that i've used a few times... Been helpful, i try not too follow them too closely, just get a basic understanding of the moves and then go play! Linky: http://vimeo.com/3619353
  8. Looking pretty smooth there man... Im with the other guys saying wear a lid though! I think i've seen you around before when i've been down that way riding along the coast! I'll have too stick the Phase in the back of the car and try out some of your spots...
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