HI all, been registered on here for a wee while now, been lurking in the shadows and just absorbing information though! Been messing around on a Full Bouncer XC rig with some basic trialsy stuff for ages! Found it really helped on the trails! Anyway, finally got around too buying my first trials rig a few weeks ago, and am now the owner of a new Ashton Justice Resolve. Really pleased with it and so far progressing at a much quicker rate than i was before!
Changes too the bike are pretty lame at the moment, having only changed the bars too a set of uber wide Sunline V1 745's! Next thing on my list is too sort out the braking set up, as im finding it a bit naff at the moment, which is where the questions start! Bikes currently equipped with a Tektro Quad front (cable pull) and a Shimano Acera Vee on the back... Both being paired too Tektro Levers.
Have come up with a few options that i was hoping youd be able too offer me your views on!
1. Scrapping the front calliper and replacing with a BB7 w/203mm rotor and changing both levers too Avid SD7's, keeping rear V and just replacing pads too Inspired/Rockman?
2. Scrapping the front, replacing with BB7 w/203mm and changing lever. Replacing rear completely with a HS33 and suitable pads?
3. Replacing both front and rear with HS33's? (Least keen on this option as really like the modulation that a disc offers...)
4. Any other ideas?
Sorry about the essay of a post! And thanks for any replies in advance!