I don't think this is really true... If you look it at that way, you could also say that I'm the best in EVERY sport but I just don't 'realise' it yet . But you're right with the teaching though , practice makes perfect!
Ahh, now I see.. I don't mind what wheel base I have I think. Just about to start on Trial Bike so I don't know yet what I like. Just like the discussion on 20" and 26", it's all a mather of what you personally like! Need to find that out yet what suits me .
I'm getting it this Tuesday ! I already love the bike although I even don't have it yet, lol. Just hope I don't break anything fast because I'm just a student and the prices for new Trial Bikes and new parts are so high ...
Thanks for motivating me a bit more . I think it won't be a big problem no. Just need to spend a LOT of time in this thing and then it will eventually work out. Can't wait untill I can do things like people do in the video's at the forums. 2 years of practice and I'm there hopefully . Edit: And thanks for the website! Will help a lot I think, I've made it a favourite so I won't loose it .
Danny is my hero since shortly, that last video from him was just over the top! Didn't know that things like that were even possible. I hope the scene starts living again everywhere! I'll maybe try to make some mates familiar with it near my place .
So Berkshire is near kazakhstan I suppose then eh ? Nice to learn some geograhpy besides things about Trial Bike. Have you also got the problem that the Trial Bike-scene isn't that big in your country? I've got this image that Trial Bike is only active in the UK, and the other countries are a bit unknown with it .