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Scott Gibbs

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Everything posted by Scott Gibbs

  1. the scott fr30 looks sooo nice i have been lookin at them alot. not really a fan of specialized bikes there not the best pedalers out there not as bad as konas though!
  2. the mondraker looks sick! I really like that. The other bike i was looking at was the mongoose black diamond single. Dunno much about them either. I dont know much about modern full sus bikes i only ever owned 1 DH bike i had was a azonic eliminator back in 2002!
  3. as it says on the tin, whats a good freeride bike for around £1500-£1800 something thats around 5-7 inches of travel and the more extreme end of the scale more big drops and thrashin rather than all mountain/ light freeride.
  4. pardon my ignorance but whats the difference between the limey 3 and 320?
  5. for me i ride to pendulum, fear factory, drowing pool, dry kill logic, roni size, eleventeen, all that remains the butterfly effect. just depends on what im doin if its downhill its death metal to keep my speed and aggresision up if its street then its more hip hop like jurrasic 5 or dr dre to get a bit of a flow, or if its trials its drum and bass.
  6. If you can hold on buddy the new inspired forks should be out soon. They were being advertised in mountain biking uk this month so im guessin there on their way.
  7. Sorry guys ill probably get lynched for this but leeson frames are f**k ugly. Sorry but not my cup of tea.
  8. From what the guys said when i asked questions about the fourplay with natural trials they all said that its just as at home on natural as on the streets. and monty arent that great and also if you f**k the rear rim no one not even monty make 25" hoops anymore so you would be f**ked! Just stick with the fourplay mate.
  9. An old skool rider! Best idea man would be to check out tartybikes.co.uk. If your after a rear freehub hope is the way to go the pro 2 trials is ideal. If your after a fixed hub with gears and ffw, a trialtech hub with a eno freewheel on a pair or trialtech cranks and bashring.
  10. Dude your really not havin a good time with this bike! Prehaps you should just stick to the bike hut front brake!
  11. I had a pair on my bike they werent too bad to be honest not bad for £4.99
  12. He used to ride a onza t-rex (the black one with gold flames and a seat) and a planet x zebedi so he knows to ride trials already, but like me he's not a fan of long, low, silver and uber high bb's. But yeah ill tell him to check out second hand bikes also.
  13. Hey lads i have talked a guy at work back into riding at long last! Hes lookin at the spyragyra as he likes the look of it. I have no idea about them so i thought i would ask you guys for some info and feed back on it. Anything constructive would be good cheers.
  14. I would suggest 22-16 mate that works great for me on a street 26" and thats what i will use on my 24" and also its a better size to land on when doing sprocket stalls! And also you dont spin your legs off riding anywhere further than 200 yards!
  15. ah sorry mate thought they were rideable! My bad! i told you those brakes were good man the modulation is a bit on off but you get used to it! Not a bad bit of kit for £59.99 either, bad news about the king headset (EMO)! Still its only a colour! Lol i guess with the 'burns its a case of gettin the autosol out and attackin them with some good old fashioned elbow grease! Lol hope you get it rollin soon to start shreadin up the streets!
  16. DUDE PUT IT BACK TOGETHER DONT WORRIE JUST GO AND RIDE THE DAMN THING! Hope know what there doing man just have faith it wont kill you
  17. Not got any trials ones but, i came off my motocross bike at a mates place i was taken to hospital and after waiting 7 and a half hours to be seen!! I was told i had torn the major ligaments in my knee. It had swollen to enormous size and i needed it drained, so the doctor stuck a massive needle under my kneecap and drained it. I have to admit it now im shit scared of needles so i was not in a good state afterwards im led on the bed in hospital trousers round my ankles in just my boxxer shorts covered in blood and iodene white as sheet sweatin through sheer panic and delayed shock and not one but two fit student nurses came in to clean me up and strap up my knee! at that point i wanted to die through sheer embaressment!
  18. Hows the rear king holding up to trials use? I know you were runnin a CK bmx rear hub.
  19. this may seem sad but this is martyns old cannondale spec (if my memory serves me correctly) frame, cannondale (obviously) forks, fatty r brakes, magura hs33 racelines front wheel, mavic d521cd on hope mono (may have been a light weight xc 517) rear wheel, x lite phatso on hope mono Ti cranks, middleburn rs7 trials (i belive martyn tested the prototypes) stem, azonic ors 90mm bars, azonic double walls headset, cane creek pedals, oddisey triple traps saddle, fiz,ik tires, hutichison dh rear, hutichison aligator front gears, sram 9.0 thats if you were refering to the one he rode in tricks and stunts 2 bi-king. that was my dream bike at the time and i memorised each component as to build one myself. never happened though.
  20. online video, danny macaskill april 2009 dvd, evolve or trials is dead.
  21. Good news Ali, i would of still given him a back hand or 12 still you have her back now so alls well that ends well! Let this be a lesson boys and girls CASH ON PICK UP!
  22. i ride a 99/00 saracen xile i would say that was just about old skool, but yeah the old cannondale's, giant's, megamo's, brisa's, orange zero's, pashley 26mhz's, saracen mad x-tort's, cresent illonois's, vario tibo's they are proper old skool.
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