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Scott Gibbs

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Everything posted by Scott Gibbs

  1. gorgeous aint it. I would like to know the geometry of the bow also.
  2. An identiti Dr jekyll with a 100mm fork is a +10mm BB.
  3. WOW. What can you say about that really?!
  4. Token that as awesome dude!
  5. All marino frames are TIG welded. His work really looks like it has improved alot in the past 12-18 months mega neat looking.
  6. Well i cant remember anywhere in the Koran that tells them to kill people! (and yes l have read it for R.E studies) these "extremists" should be delt with with zero tolerence. But while we have to abide by the Geneva convension, human rights laws and in combat "rules of engagement" these little f**kers are going to have the upper hand the whole time. The government need to grow a pair and start saying NO to their demands is NOT being racist. But being fair to others. Thats my belief anyway.
  7. These people are protesting what our soldiers have done ect. But what about the atrosities the soviets inflicted on the muslim people of Afghanistan during the 70's? Do you see them burning flags in Red square? Do you f**k. Cos the Russians would not tollerate it in the slightest. But were so PC now were seen as an easy touch.
  8. Oh boy this could go on for a LONG time!
  9. Keiran two words buddy. The Crusades.
  10. Mark i was refering to madmanmike's post. I know we have done awful things. With the exception of maybe Germany Britain probably has the most blood on its hands throughout history. (i have studied my history in fair depth) but this bullshit! It would be like one of us stood on a pile of dead muslims waving a burning koran around during ramadan in mecca! Its just f**king wrong.
  11. I know not all Muslims are bad. I have a couple of muslim friends i was refering to the extremists filth in this country. I know what you mean about the white supremisists and KKK in the US but they are against imigrants and races in their country (its wrong i know) but these flag burners and so on here are causing shit and promoting hatred against britons when majority of the f**kers aint from the uk.
  12. i had grandparents fighting in africa and burma in WW2 also had family fighting in the Falklands, Iraq and now Afghanistan. And yet we allow this Bullshit to happen in this contry by these f**king parasites. I dont care how narrow minded this may sound but i have nothing but f**kin hatered for these dirty bastards. They have no respect for us so why should we respect their religion.
  13. Jack Meek organizing the MAHOOOSIVE London ride. Danny Macaskill Making everyone including the most hardcore of TGS riders go WOW! The DJ memorial rides. And getting me hooked on trials riding.
  14. When is it released? Will tarty be stocking?
  15. I personally dont think onza will make a Trials 24" any time soon. I must admit i would of thought the TGS 24 market would of taken off much more than it has to be fair. I would assume that a large company like Onza will wait until the market gets bigger before jumping in. I could well be wrong Though!
  16. SD7. Comfy, looks good, simple good adjustment. For the cash you cant go wrong. If you got a little more folding to blow buy a XTR.
  17. That frame you sent to your bro the colour is gorgeous what is it? Quite fancy it for my new build in the new year. P.S the new black fourplay is sexy as mate.
  18. Matt i really wish i could go now but i still have 2 years on my mortgage we cant really sell now because if we do we'll get hammered with early repayment charges to the tune of about £5000! So we have to kind of sit it out for now
  19. Jake at the moment im not working as a welder i work for a ballistic body armour manufacturer. I do a bit of welding from time to time making jigs and such just to keep my eye in. I plan to go to Australia on a trade visa as a welder. As i have found through various sources an average welder in a factory out there earns more than i would here doing a similar job. So whats your plans bud?
  20. Sounds like pretty sweet geometry. Pity its an ugly looking frame though!
  21. trialtech need to make white Cranks and that bike would be perfect. So how do u rate the geometry changes so far?
  22. Im in love with this bike.
  23. So whats the deal with the Element bike/frame? Looks just like the old fourplay with v mounts. And thw tweaked geometry.
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