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Scott Gibbs

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Everything posted by Scott Gibbs

  1. Sorry Dan (that was quite embarassing ) still bike looks good!
  2. Hello all, im having trouble with learning to backhop i've learned the 'get onto the back wheel from the endo' tecnique and can find my balance point but im struggling to put that and the hop together any advice would help me out no end. Thanks in advance for any tips.
  3. Nice spec! Looks pretty fly. Didnt Matt (Urban Legend)have a bike with a very similar spec?
  4. If your talkin hollyoaks its gotta be jorgie porter, aka teresa. Or the girl who plays Texas (dunno her real name!)
  5. They look wierd.... But pretty cool. They look like they would get minced in a big off.
  6. Scott Gibbs


    Watched Harry Brown last night. Was actually quite a good film. Was quite satisfying watching Chavs and Skagheads getting f**ked up!
  7. There ok not fantastic but if its cheap enough give it a bash! I personally dont like hopes so i've tried various brakes. I'd reccomend either an Avid bb7 or Shimano SLX. Both are quite cheap and fantastic brakes. But if you want a hope wait and buy one of them.
  8. Are they old skool xtr's i see on the brakeless rig? Looks cool whats the rest of the spec?
  9. I would advise using linear cables. Less flex and also they dont stretch as much either. Something like an oddessy linear slick or vocal chord cable. Also if your a tart like me the outers come in different colours aswell!
  10. Scott Gibbs


    Anybody seen 9 miles deep?
  11. Try rotating the bars away from you, ie so the rise of the bars points more forward the upwards if you get what i mean.
  12. Was a shame about the weather! cant wait to see the videos and pics.
  13. Their pretty good but for the few extra quid i'd go for the bb7 you get the extra adjustment dials and smoother operation thanks to the extra bb's.
  14. Must of missed you today skoze, was gunna come over and say hello.
  15. Just got home from pompey. Had an awesome day didnt do much actual riding as i was watching the amazing riding going on all around me! Thanks to Mr Marshall for letting me have a quick spin on his inspired.
  16. Personally the best cable i've used is the oddessey linear slick. The outer is alot tougher it doesnt chafe as much as some cheaper cables and the inner cable is mega strong and doesnt stretch much. There not cheap though but there worth it imo.
  17. Pre 05's were better imo. A 20mm bolt through street fork with v mounts would be nice too.
  18. Those saracen's rode quite nicely actually.
  19. Really? Didnt realize any details had been released.
  20. If you can hang on a wee while i know onza will be releasing several new stocks later this year.
  21. looks cool mate like it alot. The only thing i dont like with those zoots is the fixed pivotal seat post.
  22. Right ok, im a bit stumped! Sorry i cant be more help hopefully someone else can help you out.
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