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Scott Gibbs

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Everything posted by Scott Gibbs

  1. Our bills are nuts!! Mortgage £514 Ground rent/ buildings insurance £70 Life insurance £120 (both of us) (will be needed for a mortgage) Council tax £109 Gas £83 (per quarter) Electric £92 (per quarter) Water £109 (6 months) Sky £67 (all channels, broadband & phone) Boiler care £20 Contents insurance £7 All is per month unless stated. I think thats about all obviously you have food shopping but thats all down to budget.
  2. Scott Gibbs


    Watched Inception Saturday night, was good but didnt match up to the hype.
  3. To be honest i actually prefer the look of the element frame to the newer fourplay. I think the disc mount and brace bar ruin its looks thats my opinion at least!
  4. Looks fit for a MOD!! Those polished trialtech cranks look sexual! How did you do them??
  5. Cant say i remember them! I do have the old transformers movie on DVD the one with the monster planet Unicron.
  6. Even in his interview afterwards he didnt know who hit him, im not quite sure what Kobyashi was trying to do he turned in ALOT earlier than Lewis would of and spanked into him!
  7. Some SICK tattoo's here. I so want one but im an uber pussy! Im really getting into tattoo design now especially Japanese art work.
  8. They crucified one of my fave songs of all time. Was really much of the trials rider, just a bunnyhop!!!
  9. Cool. Couple more bits of pink it would look even better!
  10. Yeah i wasnt 100% sure, I was fairly certain about koxx/try-all.
  11. I had heard that somewhere before wasnt sure though.
  12. Pardon my ignorance but isnt Try-all the name for Koxx's components?
  13. Scott Gibbs


    Just finished watching Platoon for like the 1000th time. That piece of music always makes my hair stand on end!!
  14. Shame! Cool paint job. Thats the 1st inspired i've ever seen thats snapped.
  15. Scott Gibbs


    Agreed. Robert Downey Jr is amazing in that film. The rest of it is a major let down.
  16. Did anybody see the Discovery Channel's documentry "Area 51 i was there" it was very insightfull and gave alot of information from actual personell. Iluminati dont know, UFO's dont know and i guess nobody will REALLY know for sure.
  17. Yeah but thats understandable!!!
  18. Oh dear in a couple weeks time this place will be mobbed with trials riders lol!!
  19. I sort of get what you mean. It wasnt a "true" vision of the sports. We dont all ride deserted train yards in perfect sunshine. Or perfectly empty sections of the city. But it was a very good edit and i liked it. I personally think the best set piece of trials film was the Newbury section in chainspotting. Dark and cold and only lit by streetlights.
  20. Scott Gibbs


    Quality quote! You beat me to it!!!!
  21. Really good programe on the whole. The Parkour was a bit crap imo. I really liked the editing on the flatland video. The skater was impressive too but like has been said Mullen has been doing that for years. Danny's bit was cool the wire ride was awesome. Was a bit less of his normal style, even my missus enjoyed the whole thing!!
  22. Best thing to do is pass out and let them do what they have to do!
  23. Im terrified of DEEP water. f**kin freaks me out. I panic if i cant see the bottom and REALLY freaks me out cos i dont know whats aroundme or below me. Other than that im a fearless b*****d lol!
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