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Scott Gibbs

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Everything posted by Scott Gibbs

  1. That answers that question then! 180 disc for the back?
  2. Yeah the BB rise sounds huge on the 24s. Would I need to run a lot of stackers to get a good bar height? I like a high front end or will the stem do that? I do like the Echo as it has a rear disc mount and I like the idea of the press fit Spanish BB.
  3. That's pretty big! Thanks buddy
  4. I'm looking for a new frame as I want get back to riding trials (or at least try) wondering what frames you guys ride and which ones to avoid. And also what sort of stem do you recommend for a Trials 24 I've seen a lot of bikes with what look like mod stems.
  5. My Amity with fresh paint and some new parts
  6. But having said that I guess everyone will do what they want irrelevant of what we say on here...
  7. I agree it's hideous! As the saying goes imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Inspired have done their home work and it shows. It was inevitable others would copy inspired's frames. I for one can't afford an inspired so my option is Marino. I can see the other brands try and fail to copy the element/fourplay/arcade/Skye.
  8. These 24" topics keep me amused for hours!! Going back to who started what debate, didn't Mr Ashton release the first 24" with the ET back in '03?
  9. These 24" topics keep me amused for hours!! Going back to who started what debate, didn't Mr Ashton release the first 24" with the ET back in '03?
  10. Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy are the best 2 shows I've seen in years.
  11. Oh yeah i remember them!! I had one on the front of my old barracuda. They were on or off and spat me over the bars many times!
  12. Scott Gibbs


    Watched Machete kills tonight. Brilliantly ridiculous but very entertaining!
  13. Hmmm now that looks interesting. I'd like to see what happens when they hit production.
  14. Scott Gibbs


    All clean and brakeless! Just need to wait for Friday to order my Grifters so I'm stuck with the Demo's for now
  15. Scott Gibbs


    Also what are the total bmx voltron frames like?
  16. Scott Gibbs


    NS bikes Capital looks a good bet for park/street and dirt they are 24/26 specific looks a nice cross between bmx and mtb
  17. Scott Gibbs


    I'd heard the Demo's were light but looking at the Grifters not so much! I shed well over 0.6kg losing the pegs and gyro. Which frame/fork/bars are pretty light? My frame is 2.2kg is that light?
  18. Scott Gibbs


    It's definitely worth a watch. Gunna pick up the second one this weekend
  19. Scott Gibbs


    Managed to watch Planet Terror, Death Proof and Machete in one sitting yesterday while I was off work ill.
  20. Scott Gibbs


    Yeah only been built up a week and I've had a blow out! Read up on the grifters and nobody seems to have a bad thing to say about them. Pretty cheap too! Want try shed some weight off it too so any way of doing that would be appreciated.
  21. Scott Gibbs


    Taken the gyro and steel pegs off now! Gunna order some butcher pegs when I get paid and put the Éclat tyres back on not overly impressed with the Momentums.
  22. Scott Gibbs


    Here's bike completely finished.
  23. I'm lucky enough to of seen Rossi's 2000 mugello special NSR500 in the flesh. I can vouch for that being one of the most special bikes ever!
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