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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. don't read this im a twat :lol:
  2. And you have the added factor that Townies® don't try and steal your bike cus 'your down with the bling mate' :huh: Im a pixie shoe man myself :) using some Monty booties at the moment had for 6 months at not a hole in sight :o Im well chuffed
  3. Don't get a Pure not if you can get a Control :lol:" Yeah just get a Maggy or you could get some V adapters but they tend to flex a bit
  4. Give them a call, tell them your sitiation and wait for their reply thats all you can do :huh: I've found that Echo's warrenty is prtty flexable but normally in favour of the seller not the buyer You should atleast get discount on a new frame but I think you should get a Control rather than a Pitbull far better geo in my opinion :huh:
  5. Hi Sue I'm very intrested in buy a large amount of t-shirts to give away to all the winning riders at our trials this year. Maybe have a slightly different design to make them a bit more exclusive. I also have all the dates for the trials for this year so I can get those to you and hopefully you can come down again :huh: thanks :huh: Matt
  6. Thats gona be when hell of a morning after :huh: :D :) :o :huh:
  7. Ok then :) get a Viz they have round holes and are eyleted
  8. not sure I've never seen one for the front :-
  9. If there steel then 100% yes if there alloy then it will a bit more tricky to do but can still be done. It all depends how much you want it :-
  10. then get one without hole maybe?? :)
  11. Get one of these £33 from tartybikes not bad
  12. definatly :wink2: people just don't buy complete bikes anymore :P not unless its a bargin :P
  13. nice one :wink2: Chav 1- What the fu*k is this Chav 2- looks fu*king sharp Chav 1- nice one mate lets go stab someone with it :D
  14. Opps didn't relise the pic was a link :P I pay you with paypal tomorow adam I just need to stick some money in the bank first so I don't get stung for going overdraft :wink2:
  15. Um am I the only one who can't find the vid :P the link on TB just takes me to TS homepage :D can anyone crack my code :wink2:
  16. What the hell!!!! :P I got an E ......and then a D :wink2: maths not really my subject :D
  17. Thats some crazy riding there :D" I like the fact that you were really trying not to put your foot down :P Were you wearing glasses? never seen you wearing any before :wink2:
  18. Sorry to be so abrupt but this is just another case of Jewish people hiding behind something that happened over 50 years ago :P I think Ken Livingstone has nothing to worry about and the Jews need to stop wineing everytime 'concentration camp' or 'Nazi' is mentioned Note: in no way to this mean that I don't care what happened in those concentration camps I just feel that this needs to be left to rest :wink2:
  19. Just saw the ad and I must say those chavs looked pretty classy :P" Hopefully they'll uncover the dirt of how some of them are complete thugs note i said some of them :P
  20. Got any pictures so we can tell?? You would make more money if you sold it in bits
  21. I must be really boring :P just butter for me :">
  22. Im just a youngun :D 17 :S
  23. £145 for the cassete version :S thats not half bad :D
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