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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Oh (Y) :"> well what programe should I get then instead (Y) as this one is complete rubbish :P
  2. Umm its Adobe GoLive it's a website designer that the profesionals use, only problem is i'm not a professional :)
  3. My would have to be..... The Shawshank Redemption (1994) an amazing film that really draws you in :) or for a Funny film that is stupid but you can't laugh :P" Dude wheres my car :P Yeah I kinda spoiled the moment there :)
  4. Yaeh I've tried those but there super!! complex :) maybe Golive is a bit to high tech for me :)
  5. wouldn't be you by any chance Rob :P you what till you find out its Prawn :P I didn't relise it was so thick from the first pic :) good job :)
  6. that was such a classy vid :P so classy it needed to be longer I haven't been on a ride that good in will over a year :) good work :) keep it up
  7. looks pretty sweet adam :S" i'll test it for you (Y) :D
  8. I put 150 days but after fully reading this topic I think 30 days would be far better not many vids are sirculating after that long so they may aswell be archived (Y) top job your doing
  9. Someone must know of a decent tutorial (Y)
  10. I'm not as hardcore as you guys :"> Muse for me 'Stockholm Syndrome' (Y)
  11. Not sure about having them cut off if youv'e had stuff planted on you but I know you do I you have stolen seems like a good idea to me (Y) and you don't want to know what i'd do to rapists (Y)
  12. Sounds 1) a 1380 Mini with straight cut box 2) V-twin motorbikes 3) the swish of a ground rim 4) total silence 5) live gigs Smells 1) Castol 2 stroke oil 2) 5am sunday morning on the moors 3) cut grass 4) new tyres 5) cheese on toast Textures 1) my monty foam grips (Y) 2) smooth skin 3) Granite 4) putty/playdo 5) long hair not tights (Y) that texture scares me
  13. Basically all the tutorials i've found seem way to confusing for my liking so I need a Dumbass guide to GoLive. And I mean dumbass :"> thanks guys (Y)
  14. Depending on what type of tint you get will depend on how you can see through it limo tint is pretty good cus you can only see through it one way (Y) if you end up doing it try and take your windos out and do them in the bath (Y) it looks far better than doing on the car
  15. ummm.. (Y)" sort of :D but it was at night (Y)
  16. Thats cus Scorpa are a French company aswell so they linked up to make that I've seen one in the flesh and it's wicked sweet little engine to (Y)
  17. Thats nothing my trial bike weighs 71kgs (Y) I'd rather get that rood reg'ed than buy that thing although I was impressed when I saw it was a 250 (Y)" I was expecting it to be a 50
  18. and there ability to out last most people's bikes
  19. Not sure really havent been counting but a Minion ST lasts me 3 months tops so about 4 a year I guess. darn granite :unsure:
  20. :unsure: 11 on the top (Y) yeah I have no front teeth at the minute :">
  21. So we don't even need the rim tap now ;) guess i'll be buying some latex then (Y)
  22. put it in the highest and ride up a hill then see if it skips ;)
  23. Oh well mate better luck next time (Y) try to stay about 5 mph under the speed limit that way you have a bit more thinking time
  24. bloody hell ;) I thought my 4 minors was good :"> my only bit of advise is to talk to the examiner (Y) it will keep you calm and they will think your more sensible and mature :)
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