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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Oh I hate Fords so much :S but I love ebay :D
  2. Sounds like a great idea :P would get rid of a lot of usless posts Put me down for Southwest 'DJ' Biketrials information :(
  3. Yeah but he want's to save weight not put it on :) the green hutchinson is a beasty DH tube :D I ran a latex tube for nearly 6 months unpunctured but when it did puncture I couldn't get patches to stick properly (Y) try it out the do save a lot of weight
  4. Oh crap I forgot to send in my entry (Y) I sprayed Bike trials rules on a wall :)"
  5. Matt_Tupman

    Free Ipods

    Hum seems like a good idea :P" I take it you have just refered that link to us? if so you can return the favour :o linky I've read it all up and it seems real :P So wack you name in my link and i'll do the same for any links that appear here :P The whole trials nation with free iPods in no time :P help me to help you
  6. Go for it mate :o if you could send me some of your past work or some designs for the logo then I can get an idea of what I want and how good you are :P look forward to hearing from you :P
  7. Matt_Tupman

    Silly Laws

    Its illegal for a lady to eat chocolate on public transport :o
  8. I have never used Heatsinks so I can't comment or compair but I used to run v-flys on a grind and it was a crazy brake when crv's start selling again then get some of those because they are better again :- grind that rim (Y) if you don't like it grind it smooth :D easy as that
  9. Matt_Tupman

    Leeson 609

    Ha when I first saw your black Pure I was like ' that is the god dam best bike I have ever seen' but not anymore... what a coincidence that it should be your bike to beat it (Y) if you want to go for the ultimate pimp factor get a pink marker pen and colour in the white writing on the tyre and if you have any problms with chain tension get a Rollof nothing else beats um :- nice bike make :D
  10. NO way this is madness (Y) Hawyes no longer rideing for giant, thats just weird the funny thing is that I was out riding with Andrei Burton last night who is now sponcered by Giant and he was saying he couldn't see Hawyes ever leaving Giant :D I bet he doesn't even no he's the top giant rider now :- Anyway good to see Section 7 again I haven't been on there in ages
  11. Matt_Tupman

    My Nre Ride

    Puts less strain on the tube as it leaves the body thus reduseing the chances of splitting them at this point but they are braided so maybe he just didn't cut them down nice bike mate :P not in your face (like mine) and a decent setup :P
  12. Just watched your new vid and the one of the inddor trial and i've come to the conclusion that you must be a vampire........ ...... or get sunburn easly :P" I've never seen a vid from you that outdoors :P it's not fair anyway two great vids and yet again and amazing Area 51 set up :)
  13. Both of those videos were just pure nuts :P some of that stuff was massive :P the kind of stuff the guys with full sus downhill bikes are just starting to do :) I've never been that big a fan of BMX but that has really made me think it was just scary
  14. Nah mate I was only joking (Y) I don't even drink I shall be doing Digital Photodraphy coursework (Y)
  15. Humm I voted Maxxis Pro (60a) as I feel that they are actualy not that hard No there not as soft as the super tacky or slow rezzy but they are still great tyres and will last longer than the other two.
  16. Matt_Tupman

    Viz Video 1

    i'll be back in 1hour 22mins to give my opinion (Y)
  17. Matt_Tupman


    Koox UK don't have a site what were you looking for by the way??
  18. Matt_Tupman


    This is the best topic ever (Y) I have really got some great ideas from this (Y) I especially like the burn her house down pure class :)
  19. Ha I love the way we Senior members / moderators blatently promoting under age drinking :)" Anyway (Y) i'm not going to get rat assed but I may have a couple JD's (Y)
  20. How about designing some pimp ass logos for the 2005 Southwest 'DJ' Biketrials Series what sort of graphic stuff do you do (Y)"
  21. I'm not doing anything because I'm not Irish (Y) ................ Wait a minute i'm 1/8 Irish :) thats enough for me (Y) :P
  22. Bit different (Y) impressive though (Y)
  23. Have you decided not to be BIU affiliated then?? If so I was wondering what other method you are using to insure the events I'm not having a rag I'm just intrested as a fellow trials oraganiser (Y)
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