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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. I'm scared easily :"> so scared I don't want to click the link :ermm: ohwell at least I still have my pride :D
  2. Right that was a lot to read :D As a fellow organiser I think what your doing is great :) every comp you organise will be so nerve racking but it's a good laugh at the same time. From what I read it looks like you doing a man-mande trial outdoors (Y) seems like a great idea epecially in the summer. As for section design and ideas you may already know that we are holding an Indoor event in September and were are also going with the themed sections idea. I thought cars, pallets, cocrete pipes, logs, sleppers, skips and a few other little bits. So thats what we are going to do, I have drawn up some section designs so i'll try and get round to scanning them to show you guys. Last year we did a speed trial section and it turned out really well with riders getting VERY competitive and some banzi moves being pulled so I think doing that is a good idea I think if you are doing a man-made trial it would be best to have seven sections 3 laps, my reasoning for this is that a man-made section is a lot more intence than natural bacause you don't normally have open areas, also it's lets work for you :D that is a major pluse if you are lacking in helper like I am, and finally I feel it is better to give riders 3 chances at a section because it gives them more chance to improve and generally makes a good day :D . I think you should do 3 routes, a biginner, inter and expert and maybe have one or two sections on each route that was harder than the rest to really push the riders. hope this has helped and has answered some questions :D matt
  3. Money :- they will pay a good wage and will throw loads of money at a frame for him, he will get to develope his own frame and then get his own signiture model. seems like a good idea to me :- good on him
  4. Some people on here really dont like Pete do they :- I say good on to him at least he's not boring and trying somthing new :- should be good when you get it done Pete, just get on and do it cus i'm getting impatiant :lol: matt
  5. Really good vid :lol: was very relaxed and looked like a great place to ride nice choice of music :-
  6. Notice the name Koxxy on the downtube (Y)" :)
  7. I'm currently taking Art, Photography and biology at 6th form then i'm going to Falmouth Uni to do a four year art degree and then a year of teacher training so I can become an art teacher. (Y) yep i've got it all planned out :)
  8. I'll be there on Expert to so looks like i'm going to have to ride like a beast to get myself into the indoor trial (Y) did you like the poster mate :P" you had bit of a gurn going :) Just to clear up what you have to send and when........ You need to fill in and send the ACU form and the West of England form asap so we can sort out your memberships and either get them back to you or give them to you on the 2nd of May, this will cost you £10. You need to fill out sections 1, 2, the start of 4+5 and section 7. Then you you also have all the entrys in the pack you can bring these on the day but it would be really helpful if you could send them a couple weeks in before a trial so that it wont be such a rush in the morning :) hope this has cleared some stuff up :P cheers matt p.s what the hell are you going on about alex :P muging old ladys.....and then Prawn :D
  9. Bloody hell this topics still rolling on (Y) give it a rest guys I took your advise and i'm going out with her :) lets hope for a great future :D cheers guys and gals
  10. Is that the newer version of British racing green??? I only say that because my dad sprayed my cousins Brisa that colour s couple weeks back and it looks exactly the same. Looks very nice though (Y) i'm not really a 24" guy but I can admire a good looking bike. Have you got plans for any stickers?
  11. Ok as many of you may know information packs went out a couple of weeks ago :lol: hope it made scence i think i started rambling a bit in the letter. If people want information packs on the Southwest 'DJ' Biketrials Series then just PM me your address and I can get one out to you I have already sent out 60 and would like to send out some more :o" Also if there are any complications with the packs and ther contents or anything else to do with the series then please just post your quires here (Y) Cheers guys and gals ^_^
  12. Don't worry well make sure he doesn't do anything to stupid :lol: and if he decides to go against our better judgment we'll break his ankels (Y) joke ^_^" :P
  13. Well the rear brake doesn't need to be super powerfull it's just needs to be able to lock up the wheel so thats why there so small. As for the fronts you'd be surprised how good they ^_^ they have massive clipers and four of those put together can really put you on your front wheel (Y) the pads are also pretty beasty and with bradied hoses you get a really nice feeling leaver :lol:
  14. Is this for streety type riding or more natual tech riding? i'd go for a 6 for streety stuff and an 8 for more tech moves
  15. What a load of rubbish :lol: people just need to learn to buy decent bb's (Y)
  16. it will be good to see you out riding again Rich (Y) are you sure your feet can take it? :lol:
  17. They don't come road legal as standed but all you have to do is register them and then get them MOTed and you don't even need lights if you have a daytime registration (Y)" My bike is sort of legal on the road but I do small amounts of road millage so it's not that big a deal
  18. Tom whats the weather like ther today?? :lol: it says it won't rain tommorow and it stoped here about an hour ago (Y)
  19. bloddy hell Corish 270 thats a bit keen :lol: so you don't have a trials motorbike now then (Y)
  20. Ok I want to see peoples trials motorbikes as i know there is a lot of you who ride so come on lets see them and maybe a little description for some of the less informed people. Here's my 2004 (although it's only 3 months old :o" ) Beta Rev3 200 in action. its a beast of a bike and I love it to bits with all my new gear on (Y) and me dabbing doh :lol: anyway that anough of me i want to see some pics of your bikes :o
  21. I tried this stuff a little while ago and you had to get the amount so precise or brake would just slid on a film of the stuff. oh and if you think tar turns bad when water gets to it you haven't seen nothing yet (Y) don't do it to much hassle for not much gain :lol:
  22. I have a blue livestrong a yellow livstrong and a white 'Jesus love me' one :lol: they were cheap ok
  23. I found it on another trials forum I go on (Y)
  24. Matt_Tupman

    Oh Dear!

    Oh nasty (Y) i'm currently missing my two front teeth and will be for the next 3 months (Y) ohwell :D
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