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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. He's right though mate there no need to wined people up and get them arguing :-
  2. Oh god how much money have I spent :S oh well it's all for a good cause :P i'll put just the frames :P Claude Butler 219 X-alp X-hydra Another Claude Butler Custom frame :-" Sarcen Mad Echo Urban .... and a new bike very soon :D I know my echo has cost me over 2,5k :- Um and I've just invested nearly 2K into a trials bike shop (you don't get much for your 2k :D (website hopefully coming soon) :- ) So from rough caculations i'd say i've 100% spent over 5k :D proberly getting near 15 if I included motorbike trials stuff Oh well I'm happy with what I have, no regrets :D
  3. Nick you little bodger :D So it's near completion then? :D I may have to use Frenchman's skills at one point :-
  4. Ummm... How old are you?? :( Happy Birthday anyway mate nice bike you have acciured (Y)"
  5. Would you like to reveal this wonderful place (Y)"
  6. Ok people 13 days to the first trial if you are planning on riding please try and get your entrys to me before the end of next week (Y) It will really help speed up everything on the morning of the trial. :D See you on the 2nd of May :(
  7. Well if it is a copy (which I doubt it is) it would be Koxx copying KYMCO as they have been going since the 1960's and I know they have had that logo for a long time.
  8. Yep we still have to run six working gear (Y) I run a seatpost mounted shifter with no problems from officials :( I'll see if I can find some pics
  9. You have to love Onza even if you don't like their frames (Y) They are one of the only brands that are constantley pushing the boundaries in frame and product design Onza and the frame looks dam smart :(
  10. Chris King classic £110 :P" just beded in Fatty r's £25 Viz front wheel with Bontranger disc hub £16 And many more stuff, I have a 495 rating so yeah there's proberly a lot of good deals in there :P I love Ebay :huh:
  11. You know your rich when you don't spend all your life on an internet forum :huh: and when you pass your driving test and your parents buy and insure a scobby for you because ' you really wanted one ' :P basted rich kids at school :P
  12. Do you all remember the Ashton interveiw a while back when he broke his back and they were trying to get out of him why he was practising backflips well.... (Y)" I asked him at a demo what that was all about and he said it was the first stages of doing a frontflip drop which he has wanted to do for years :) so I think we may see some proper front flippage from someone in a few years time :)
  13. Onza did it a while ago but pads wore out to quick :) I've heard the new Monty rims have this finish to (Y) not sure on that one though
  14. Looks pretty nice Nick I liked the BT more but I suppose a change could be for the best (Y)" So whats happening to the BT now??
  15. August of July is good for me I have college in June :P
  16. Will your parents not buy it then you could pay back a certain amount every month :blink: If not find a very nice friend or relation :( worth a try
  17. Yeah you ment to have the plit facing the oposite way to the rotation of the cranks, you do this to reduce the chace of it being poped off or catching on somthing :blink:
  18. 24 out of 30 on first go :(" is that good :blink:
  19. Blimey thats inpressive to use that many ;) I'm on some brown Koxx pads that have lasted well over a year on a lot of grinds with a lot of riding Guess I don't drag my brake much :S
  20. Bloddy good for trials ;) nice find and at a decent price to :S
  21. Ok I will be putting in a yellow route but it will only have one deviation from the red route on every section. My mind was made up when Andri Burton told be last night he will be riding the whole series :) and I really don't want to be in the same class as hime and i'm sure Nick and Steve would say the same oh and Rob to ;) SO yeah there will be a Yellow route but it wont be a complete new route just a little harder deviation from the red route :S Hope this pleases some people :D
  22. For how long? And will we be going via Callai (sp) ;)
  23. Humm my gap is't that big but that could mean one of many things :ermm: Do you have forwad and backward movement in the headset (hold the steam and forks and try and flex them in oposite directions) Are you sure the race is seated properly Are you sure the steerer slightly bent :( these are some things that could be causing the movement
  24. Stick with the super wide bars Tom :o I think you setup would be nicer on the rear wheel :)
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