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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Avid Ultimate clipers Avid Speed dial / Xtr levers Nokon cabels Koolstop / plazmatic pads thats about as good as your gona get you could get an Ultimate lever but you wouldn't gain much I'm selling this brake very soon if anyones intrested (Y)"
  2. OMFG what a bell ;) I did that the other day (Y) That was just a classic sound :)
  3. That was seriousely pushing the boundries of the word curb :P But still very good (Y) I can't spin ;) rocks are to grippy :)
  4. Reading through this and i'm really suprised that so many people don't have this kind of stuff to ride (Y) I surpose I take it for granted with all the moor and the coast and then my local ghetto (not that i'm trying to rub it in at al :)") Anyway someone give me a video camera so I can start making a vid so I can show you guys how good I am on rocks :P (dry ones that is ;) ) cheers guys
  5. Typical trials forum ;) everyone is slagging it off already and not one of use has even used them yet (Y) anyway I think it looks all very intresting and I eagerly await their new products :)
  6. Matt_Tupman

    Beer Strip

    This was posted a little while ago ;) still good laugh though but we came to the concultion that you can't get them completly naked (Y) :)
  7. Mate just admit it the best part of that ride was when we were riding on all those rocks in the park :D" You knows i'm right (Y)
  8. Some very intresting results (Y) They were talking about this on the radio and apparently schools over the country have done their own polls and on average the Lib Dems got 75% which will make the next election very intresting indeed (Y)"
  9. Yeah it's nice to be different (Y) I actually hate street so much that I refuse to ride it unless there may be some rockage involved :D So yeah natural is for me (Y)
  10. Went out for a ride last night because the weather is nice at the moment (Y) Decided to actually get some footage because i'm normally to lazy and everyone proberly thinks I spend more time on hre than on my bikes :D so yeah have a look if you want and be nice i'm not CLS :D Linky to piccys cheers guys (Y)
  11. Bloddy hell the big ones are big (Y) Could we give you photos and get them done :D" no-one reound here does that kind of thing would the pics have to be a very high res? 300dpi or is that not enough (Y)
  12. I'd buy posters to right :P any smaller and I could print them myself but posters would be cool how big can you go? Do you want to come to are comp in July :-" ?? Matt
  13. Ah now I see whats going on he was 5 and you were 6 right :P thats what I have down here but it looks like you to hade each others puch cards :- anyway it's all sorted now cheers :P
  14. I think so mate i've looked everywhere for it so i've come to the conculsion that he's got it :P very odd
  15. Ahh I blame you people for rushing me :P right i'll sort it all out and send barbra an updated version :"> Oh and the whole Lois Morgan thing was very impressive and I'd rather be better at natural than even bother doin street :-"
  16. opps don't know how I manged to do that :P you finished on 88 which puts you in 7th place with 10 championship points sorry about that :-
  17. Results are now up :P on Biketrialuk here cheers Barbara :-
  18. Matt_Tupman


    If you didn't have to streatch the frame to get the wheel in then your fine ;)
  19. Cheers guys some nice comments there :S I was woried that it was gona be to hard and spent most of the day asking people this :D Just to yet you know the results are done and should hopefully be up on BiketrialUK later today (Y) Also we have decided to scrap the idea of riding in groups this worked last year but because we are getting so many people to are trials now we just can't mange that many people in that way :P some very nice pics to :P none of me fiveing which is actually quite impressive as I was doing it a lot :D cheers guys
  20. Not really the best pic but if you like purple check out my old skool Monty :S" i'll post a better pic latter with it all polished up
  21. Hell yeah you knows it :) Anyway I just looked at the weather and it's looking bloody good hottest weekend of the year 20o plus (Y)" >_<
  22. Ha LMFAO 88% of us don't have safe search on (Y)" dear oh dear I need a girlfriend >_<
  23. Thats a bit harsh mate we do it in Chit Chat so why cant they do in in new members?? (Y) think about it <<<<< Any way theres a pic of me there if you click on my name <<<<<<<
  24. But then you could also then run the risk of glazing your pads and having to sand them down and start the whole process again :blink: do what Sam@SouthTrials says he's got it going down ;)"
  25. So I was trying to convince some people last night that Dartmoor has some of the best natural in the Uk so in my quest to get more people to ride the rocks I stumbled over this website that has pictures of a large percentage on the tors on Dartmoor :o some very good looking places there :(" although it doesn't have all of them (does in steve :( ) So yeah if you thinking of riding trials on Dartmoor you won't have to look far infact you don't even need to open your eyes (Y) Edit- ha you know your either a trials rider or a geologist when you start posting picture or large rocks (Y)
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