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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. thats what I thought it was but I got well and truelly confusseld :S are you riding Master then Ali? (Y)
  2. same here just got to sort out me class B) looking forward to it though (Y) i'm going for the whole week :D"
  3. Right just filling out my entry for the world round and have got stuck on category (Y) Femine - may be able to blag it :D" Poussin Benjamin Minime Expert Master Cadet Senior Elite - ha I wish B) basically what is the easyest route I can ride on a 26" and what is the easyest route?? Cheers guys :S
  4. I'd spray the forks black :S you'd have a nice contrast then :D" Also does it have BB rise i can't remember?? doesn't look much bet it could be the angle oh and what are those dust caps ? they look like minature hubs (Y)
  5. I'm up for it mate but why 21st (Y) won't be many there unless you mean 20th?? which is sunday if so I can't make it becuase i'll be 'up north' riding the british champs :S
  6. Ah you git I wanted the blue one (Y) Tarty you should know better than to sell blue stuff without consulting me first :D B) oh well looks like the new BT then B) so your just waiting for a bash then? And it's built up (minus bash)??? GET SOME PICCYS UP BOY :S
  7. Looks perfect and I love the width (Y) you could possibley do to versions one a bit smaller for 22t rings :) and the pricing is good to ;) keep up the great work (Y)
  8. Yeah go Burton (Y) highest place 26" English rider :) he's getting to good to quick (Y)
  9. I prefer single speed but will be going back to gears due to the british championship starting soon :- oh well (Y) get one (Y) they are soooo smooth and the tension is amazing better than a mech i'd say :P shame about the price though :P
  10. Matt_Tupman

    A Bit Short

    Ha I've done that before :"> it was on an X-alp (Y) :-
  11. Ha nice for the period of time that TF was offline I was actually out riding :- which doesn't happen much I like the new skin but it confused me when I logged on :P Spent ages trying to change it to my usual (Y) Anyway nice work Danny and Tom (Y)
  12. Got my forms throught this morning so will be sending them in a mo (Y) Also send the world Champ one as I feel i'm ready for the challange..... ....the challange of 5ing every section :- cheers
  13. The swedish sheff is the best (Y) remindes me of woddy woodpecker ;)
  14. it's an internet forum it happens all the time and it's not like there going to take legal action for free advertising (Y) I think an apology is needed ;)" :)
  15. So is there a price on just the frame then?? ;)" the bike certainly looks caperble (Y)
  16. Do I HAVE to post a pic (Y) I drinking a pint of milk ;) not really much an alcahol drink so nothing exciting here :P fully pasturised for me :) plenty of fat :P
  17. You sexy boy :P some proper riding (Y) haven't actually watched it yet i'm downloading but I on have to see the word natural to go nuts :- will edit ;) Very nice indeed :) nice little spot you have there but I must say it looked bloody steep :P
  18. I don't think you have to be dull maybe just old ;) I think they hide all there young candidates away :P A bit of strange news Boris (can't spell his second name :P ) could possibly be the next Tory leader :) I think there actually trying not not get votes that guys a nut (Y)
  19. I really don't like saying this because I feel a bit tight but pleas usee the search there was a topic on this exact subject on a few months ago ;) and yes 1 finger is the way to go (Y)
  20. If you want to score points then yes you need them ;) I will be running them but not at free will :)
  21. What are you talking about that was proper riding (Y) :P very good are you considering going pro??? if so then your going to need this new beast from Koxx :)" now thats a bike ;)
  22. wack up the sound and just wait (Y)" you'll no when it comes
  23. I'll be there on Saturday helping out and then attending the meeting in the evening and then most proberly sleeping in my car in a field :) I shall be riding red route if I get my ass in gear (Y) Has anyone had their entrys yet ;) i'm still waiting
  24. Powerpro's any day (Y) Just make sure you keep them tight ;)
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