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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Depends thats how i always mesure it but i know some companys mesure it from the floor. I think most trials companies do it the first way
  2. How is a load of mesurments going to tell you how much your going to have to change? Just buy it and ride :huh: they all seem pretty smart and it will be a 1000 times better than the T-bird
  3. Ha yes 9.437! ok everyone else is a bit quicker! how can you get 5 seconds!
  4. looks like the kfc man i like kfc 8/10
  5. Prawn, Steve, and Rich in a bed together! i'll be staying as far away as possible! >_< Anyone want a lift? from either Newton Abbot station or possibly come down on the saturday and ride on the sunday aswell??
  6. Cheers guys >_< Guess i'll have to finish building the double disc beast! I'll ask my mum if you can stay at mine Rich
  7. I fell let all you guys down big time :huh: So to make up for it i'm riding all day Saturday at BONEHILL TOR >_< Then i shall make the long journey ^_^ to Plymouth for Sunday I may ride a bit of street but i'm parking on the Hoe and that were i'm staying! Again like I said guys really sorry to let you down, i've cheered up after the last few days and i'm now trying to see if we can hold it early next year, fingers crossed. Matt
  8. Try the DMR rings and possibly try searching for DH stuff as they run the setup your talking about.
  9. Again no >_< it anoys everyone but i just leave it constantly open on my PC so that could be one way of getting round it.
  10. So no Ninja stuff then :S well thats just plain boring then isn't it! Really though i do respect all you guys for the xtra time you put in to making this forum great :- i give you all a big kiss :)
  11. I really like it and would ride one definatly, although that water bottle does look a bit heavy! might have to take my drill to that :S
  12. Ha! why would i be scared of someone who's name is written in pink and is a senior which i guess means your all really old :- Really what do you guys do! I know you help the mods and adminstrators with validating and spotting rude boys on here but do you have any other task that we do not know of?? Like your actually trained by wise men in Tibet to become ultimate fighting machines to fit for trials riders when the time comes :) I want to be a Ninja to :S
  13. Ha Ha Fatmike oh dear does this mean we have to buy his CK stuff now, sorry mike love you really :S
  14. Why are poeple slagging them so much!? it's only another trend it will pass in time like they all do. I'd rather have a conversation with an Emo than a chav if i had to make a choice, although i'd talk to neither if i had that option
  15. Yep that cut out in the dropout is way to close to the weld for my liking :S Infact same with the holes aswell!
  16. Who are the two newbies :S i'm slow that makes sence though, to be honist i can't make head nor tale of the senior Members some are really helpfull and some are just a waste of space :) !cough- Vaughan -cough!
  17. About bloody time to!!! I knew you wouldn't like it :) I rode Aust's Limey at Hook Woods in September was a bit long for my liking but i'm sure it would suit you fine Stevey boy :S
  18. Ha Ha BB fall :S it's a street frame so it's bound to have a bit of BB drop, looks ok but i wouldn't trust those dropouts with the cutouts in!!! SSSSNNAAAPPP!
  19. Was never actually a DB just a Koxx sprayed up very nicely
  20. Firstly why did you get that freewheel! secondly just get a single speed cog and a bmx chain
  21. What :S Emo girls a fit! well some are...
  22. So if two new mods are coming in does this mean two new Senior members will be put in place? NOt trying to start my own campaign just intrstead.
  23. No he's do longer sponcered by them.
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