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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Rich you complete beast! Me and andrie do climbing there sometimes so i'll come early and do a bit there's some nice lines there
  2. Matt_Tupman

    Monty Girls

    I'll do september with you Steve if you know what i mean
  3. Think you've got to run rear freewheel or hub if you want an Echo bb due to spacing. Get a raceface or Fsa bb there all good if you look after them
  4. Hope are really good i've sent a hub a hope trial twice and a mono back to them over the years and they've always been really quick and never charged me
  5. Matt_Tupman

    Monty Girls

    Nah she turned 17 a while back, and she reads this forum so next time she sees you rich she's gonna go nuts
  6. oh that bike is the biggest load of wank! but i like your steering technique possinle have rear wheels seperatly driven, then you could drive it like a tank ha ha
  7. Yep and you'll be lucky if you can get a trian as the southwest has a shit trian service during the winter but if you can drive down with a few mates it would be well worth it look at a map
  8. shame you can't go round a corner
  9. oh thats nice pete! leave me off the list! also rich pearson, whitboy, andrie, joe maybe alex pavlou not sure
  10. You can get a Zoo off the same bloke for £220! £30 cheaper than the mumba, i'd go for that over the mumba any day
  11. Yep i ride, have been for 7 years now just got an 05 Beta rev 3 and it truly the best thing ever! not looking forward to next year though as i'm getting promoted to expert earlyer than i'd like but hey whats the worst that can happen! It's a lot more flowing that cycle trials, imagine tapping and going to wheels on everything and thats how it is in motor trials but it is getting more techy so cycle trials techniques are coming into play more nowdays. matt
  12. wow a lot more people use it that i thought anyone blocking me can't see why you'd want to i'm a nice guy really
  13. Not but i did read a double page artical on it in Motor cycle news on it and that was a very breif summary or what it was like Blimey why is everyone so stressy on this forum now! never used to be like this
  14. hey thats good news Adam Andrei and Joe are coming and Dan Nikels with the Zoo who rode on blue at the comps this year is coming with me should be fun
  15. no thats only got a dodge viper engine it's pretty rubbish and would proberly crash before it got to 250mph
  16. We'er meeting at 11 at BoneHill tor ok ladys!! i'll be there at 10 to get some practise in before all you pro's turn up Oh forgot to say Joe and Andre are meeting us there aswell as coming for the Plymouth ride
  17. Never used it, haven't seen the need! if i don't like someone that much i just skip past their post. But your all nice people so no need
  18. this is true steve hummm........ milky bar kid if you bail on us your gonna get such a beating from me and steve!!! possibly sexual Jack you can get trians look here!!!
  19. A very small percentage i think it's a good idea good on him.
  20. Anyone else thinking of joining us? nice central trian station and plenty to ride all day you know you want to
  21. QUOTE(deanie-b @ Dec 10 2005, 05:18 PM) ←After 6 posts? i was after 3 anyway, yep they look pretty nice havent had chance to have a go on one i'm sure someone will have one at the brits in the newyear. I think it's good that companies are starting to think of the kids agian.
  22. First off motorbike trials IS PROPER TRIALS secondly the sport of trials is way to complex to be put into game format and be realistic until we have developed realistic vurtual simulation and even then i think i'd rather just do the real thing
  23. Oh shit your muppet! 6 weeks minimum! You know James my cousin well he did exactly the same as you nearly a year ago and he's still having probelems just go straight to a Sports docter screw hospital they are a waste of time! thats the mistake James made and he wasted a year of riding because of it! that really is not fair
  24. A pair of forks look like Pures?? I have pures and love them! 8/10
  25. Sounds like a combination of all of then, street bike? could that be your answer, or am i right in thinking that you skint to the bone! No shame in stopping riding for a while as long as you have intensions of starting agian
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