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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Looks nice better than a boring silver bike Monty stem
  2. Thats not fair! we have to make a childrens tv programe! Looks good rich just need to clean up the vocals could be my pc but the music seemed to dominate it a bit. I'd try and make my own font, that always looks more profesional and the into needs to be shortened. And the clip of Alex at the start doesn't really link?? I'm not sure on that one Chew on that Rich
  3. All the girls they did it to were wearing those tops where you don't have a bra I'd be more than pissed i'd f**king kill them!
  4. Don't think thats funny really, just childish and humiliating for the women. Thank god you can't get away with that kid of thing in England.
  5. Would be useful for those big dabs at comps but it looks sick!
  6. Matt_Tupman

    Nass 2006

    At the NEC More info at www.nass2006.com
  7. All pre-made so he sends as soon as he gets the money. RR Tials mate it had to be you
  8. I'm sure one of us will give you a lift, you'll get lost if you cycle come down it'll be a laugh
  9. about 5-10 mins dependsing on traffic. Joe will be not sure about Andrie as he's still in plaster
  10. Rory you should have phoned me dave85 is the bloke you want to talk to, he sells them for £3 Matt
  11. Been posted twice before and it's not true as most of the stuff in that is made up.
  12. Thats lame guys really there isn't really much to get excited about!
  13. I've only ever seen the DMR's and the Revels The DMR's look more burly though
  14. Most frames will be to thick for this technique aswell Just accept it if you dent it it's there for good (unless your a steal boy and can have the downtube replaced )
  15. --> QUOTE(joe b @ Jan 20 2006, 08:37 PM) ←Yeah, ok, fair doos; its not a Yorkshire championship, but it isnt a Devon championship either. Cheers, Joe. No this is very true but we are trying to expand the series, hopefully next year another club can take over one of our rounds and then it'll be an even more diverse Just one point though there are actually 2 rounds in the Yorkshire region, not that i'm slitting hairs. Oh and Scotland is part of Great Briton so i can't see any reason why they can't have a round, Wales have in the past.
  16. On most frames the material would be to thick
  17. Matt_Tupman

    Holy Shit

    He actually bailed quite nicley but still nasty! thats why i don't like going fast
  18. Has been a while since we've had a big ride down South (ok it was a few weeks back ) Plan is to meet up in Exter around 10 at MegaBowl, which is very near to the St Davids or St Micheal trian station can't remember which. We ride some street (i know it was hard for me to say that!) then around 4ish we drive to Souton industial estate and go to the park and ride, to ride on all the rock there. None of you have been there before but there is about 30 plus mini sized rocks concreated into the middle of a carpark trials heaven! Just put your name down if your planning on coming and i'm sure i'll catch most of you on msn. Matt
  19. I think it's more of a case of how many frames made a day arn't made by them So Rob are you going to buy this 24
  20. Thats was a bit uncalled for wasn't it Anyway I had the smae problem i just pulled the pads out cheeked everything over sanded the pads a little and bed it back in again. I've never had the problem since.
  21. Pdf file from the ACU website here just print it off fill it in and send it to the club your joining for 2006 so they can stamp it and then send it on to the acu
  22. --> QUOTE(joe b @ Jan 20 2006, 09:02 AM) ←Argghh! There all miles away... And why is there a British champs round in Scotland . So looks like ill only be going to Addingham, Back Cowm and maybe Hook Woods. Not good, at all! Joe. It's a BRITISH Championship not a Yorkshire championship everyone should have a chance to have one of the trials near to them not all grouped up in one area matt
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