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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. A good read this is Thought i'd step in to answer a few questions, the entry fee has gone up to £20 so that all the clubs can give more money than they already do to Biketrial Uk to pay off the debt that was created due to the World round last year. The plan is to keep this new entry fee once the debt is payed so we can start saving up for our next world round. Hope that clears up the money side of things As for the Gears, yes i feel we need to renew the rule but i was surprised to see so many people with single speed on Sunday, the reul currently still stands and as far as i'm aware we shall be inforcing it. Matt
  2. You'll be lucky most stores don't stock them
  3. No HS33s have always looked like HS33s, your thinking of hs22s or 11's
  4. Trials pretty much voids the magura warrenty anyway Water and antifreeze own the maggy fluid
  5. It's increadible isn't it I'm looking into doing it in a few years time it really is a life long dream to do something like that.
  6. The joys of google What!? do i live in a time warp or something, why do i always hear news last!
  7. Live with it mate! unless your self imployed or have a very nice boss (very rare ) then expect to be worked like a dog boy! the trick is to make them think your being worked like a dog
  8. I say get a job and earn your money
  9. Ah my eyes were plying tricks on me oh i liked the bike till i saw that! 160mm on the rear is fine dont bother going larger.
  10. Yep thats the sex whats with the plate on the disc mount?
  11. I had one of those exactly the same was one of the first proper BMXs as we know them today. I've had a few old skool Montys over the years for fun, my latest perchase will be a Fantic Trials Bicycle now thats rare
  12. First photo?? I've seen atleast one another. Anyway looks ok, I can't get on with the 24" thing though
  13. Form no avalible to download here
  14. Matt_Tupman


    Been out for a while, I rode one at the British World Motorbike trial and it was quite nice, very wide but uber stiff.
  15. Hey Wayne Hedge Barton is about 10 mile away from Kelly Farm maybe less, you still take the same junction off the motorway and head the same way to Kelly, it will be sign posted as usual Hope that helps
  16. Hi guys sorry for the delay the comp is still on and entrys have been sent to those who who sent S.A.E with the entry to the last round. Everything has gone a bit wrong at the moment due to Barbara standing down but hopefully all is now well. So yes comp still on and entrys hopefully on website later today fingers crossed. Waynio what would you like to know about our 2nd round? Matt
  17. Yep O2 are crap I just got a bill through for with over £80's worth of GSP use, but i never use it I think Vodafone looks like a good deal, the guys in the Orange shop round here are nobs so wouldn't know about that.
  18. I ride, have been for 6 years now on to my 6th Beta the latest and greatest 06 Rev 3 250.
  19. I've been running one for over a month now in my Python and they kick ass, so much nicer than tryalls and Creppys No signs of wear but thats riding all natural ( no skidding on concrete ) Great tyre get one now they rule. Chilllll!!!1!!11 It's in the pipeline, a few sponcered riders in the Uk already have them and yeah they are also sweet.
  20. I agree stay in pompy Plymouth is naff and wet
  21. Nah 7inch/180mm will be fine go for it I really think that rear disc brakes are the future of biketrials they just need a little push. As for frame strenght you'll have to talk to steve and see what kind of warrenty you'll get if you do us a disc.
  22. We got a few Havocs in work the other day and they are no way near the quality of a Xen. I didn't reallt like the fit and the strap position is a cheap. Get the Xen or an E2
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