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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. HAHAHAH LMFAO i read that and thought it was bit harsh but then when i really thought about i realised how true it is
  2. Massively more popular, I know in the Southwest there is roughly 300-400 trials riders but biketrials only about 50 if your lucky.
  3. It's actually a Bultaco Sherco didn't only ran under that name in 1999 and the went to sherco in 2000, bit of pointless information for you there.
  4. It already has hasn't it not sure but i thought it had already been on
  5. Looks nice just lose the hose pipe
  6. the trial or watching the football the trial yes you do.
  7. It could be done but air brakes don't work like conversional brakes were the braking force pushes the pads in, they work on a different system were the pads are always trying lock onto the rim but the air pistons actually hold them apart. The main reason this system was developed was for lorrys so that if there is a brake faliure the brakes lock on instead of having no brakes at all. Like I said it could be done but not really any need for it although for some one intrestead in enginering i'd like to see it done.
  8. You never know! My info can straight from Italy so i'm pretty confident it'll happen. EFI is also on the cards there were rumers that Beta would go 2 stroke fuel injection about 2 years ago and I feel that this would be the better option over 4 strokes. Just think how responsive a fuel injected 2 stroke would be!!
  9. send me a cheque and a photo and I'll get in done asap
  10. I think there's some many I deas here you'd do best to create a Sub range or something like that dovoted to street riders (not just trials) and then have a long line of prototype designes to go with a new brand Ha someone reads National Geographic
  11. I know it's a proto but why bother putting a disc mount on if it's going to be some lame cataloge peice. Other than that I think it's quite nice, although if i'm right that down tube is hydro formed and i was always under the impresion that this proces thined the tubes greatly? not sure could be talking shit! most likely
  12. Beta 200 any day I ride an 05 one in Expert and i've never found it to be lacking in power. Although mine has a lightened engine and a few carb mods but still they are the most ridable bikes out there Rumer has it that the 07 Betas are going to have a completly new frame! still alloy though
  13. just normal dot 4 or 5 like in hopes. It'll say on the brake fluid resivour (sp )
  14. Shin pads that are slid on so that you don't have any clis or velcro to dig into your calf A hoddy with light back protection would be wicked
  15. What the hell well you are number 1
  16. Mine is a microsoft shrine to the legend that is MC Hammer Ok no it's not!!! were's it gone!! Ok found it again yay!!
  17. Matthew William Tupman 69% of people have a higher status name than me whats wrong with my name!! HAHA.. my rank order is 12049 so that makes me better than all of you because i'm not common
  18. I LOVE THIS FILM! watched the directors cut about a year ago and I thought it was stunning, really making you think. The ending to the film actually bought a tear to my eye! I think this film will go down as one of the greats. (if thats based on the directors cut )
  19. 30mm adapter what the hell rotor are you using? or is it a frame/fork with a manky disc mount?
  20. Is this going to be a manmade or natural competition?
  21. UPDATED! Petes dragon Toy story Bed it like Beckham Napoleon Dynamite Beatle Juice Airplane Car crash (is that a film) Clockwork orange saw2 The hills have eyes taxi Snake eyes (bit of a guess!) Broken arrow Scorpion King lion the witch and the wardrobe the hand that rocks the cradle ghost 13 12 monkeys flipper Pink Panther barbwire Titanic Big Fish Red dragon Castle in the sky phone booth anaconda Casino boomerang the crow elephant man the fly toy soldiers Zulu Swordfish Sharks tail Man on the moon 4 weddings and a funeral Triple X (XXX) seven the ring Anchor man revolver The pasafier (sp!) Lock stock and two smoking barrels The thin red line American Graffiti Twister blazing saddles Raging bull City lights Money pit Bullet!!! best car chase ever!! the hand that rocks the cradle (oh my god STOLE FROM JOE!!!) Dances with wolves (andyP nice find) Jar head (paRtz I spent ages looking at that!!) The rock! love that film cus a man put a needle in his heart!! 1!! Golden Eye Phone Both Mona Lisa smile (Charel rocks!) 21 grams American Chopper (not sure the bike could be a few things??) 1 hour photo Chicken run Volcano Green Card Jungle Book Cat In the Hat The Willow Tree Layer cake Weddingcrashers The Tall Guy Dune Cold Mountain Time Cop up to 89 now I think
  22. Were's the time cop one?? Added green card, good find. We're up to 83 lets get this done so some of us can go to bed earlyer tonight
  23. There bringing out a new Cassio so theyre trying to get the most out of their old designs. I quite like it, nice to see a few more painted frames.
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