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Everything posted by Matt_Tupman

  1. Best 20" forks out there in my opinion strong but with a nice amount of flex for hooks good disc mount and a great steerer
  2. It sits next to the chain so when you land on the bash the chain doesn't get hit and streatched It sits a bit lower than the chain would so it comes into contact before the chain if you know what i mean. Still should have a proper bash. Silver frames are getting boring nice to see a bit of colour
  3. Depends if your on a monthly wadge that goes into your account and you know that you can pay your contract every month then do that but if your income is a little more flexible then i'd go for pay as you go so you don't get yourself into a sticky situation with bills
  4. 20" bikes should have sump guards!! it's the law! Looks nice I like the drop outs and the colour
  5. Whats with the random bumping from April Think he may have sorted it by now.
  6. How sad I'd be Valentino Rossi or Tom Delonge
  7. They put grippy stuff on the logs!! what the hell! Looked out not a great fan of UCI manmade stuff i'm more of a natural natural boy if you know what i mean
  8. Vincent isn't riding this year, gives Ben a good shote at winning Master be bloody wicked if he does
  9. News section people!!! Trial date has changed and could affect the roadtrip! or it could be incorporated? Infact you could just run the whole thing almost backwards? Rich call me! Found an incredible new place near bonehill
  10. Urgent news!! Our 3rd round trial originally planned for the 30th of July (this sunday!) has now been changed to the following Saturday on the 5th of August. This is due to a large amount of riders going to watch the World Motorbike trial in Shropshire this weekend. The trial will still be held at Hedge Barton, Dartmoor! Please let anyone know about this date change who you think may be wanting to attend. If you have any questions please get in touch Matt
  11. Yeah I love them Aron but because thats all I can do
  12. I'm a busy person not a college student lay about like some Right so we may as well just hold off until the roadtrip. Well if anyone does want to ride i'm up there normally 3 evenings a week Were'd the Bonehill picture go!!
  13. Yeah but we can ride street anytime of the year! As it's so dry and hot it seems a shame to miss it.
  14. I may come down depends how much work i get done over the next weeks. Have you transport ?
  15. Just incase you need a refresh BONHILL TOR HOUND TOR
  16. Seems pretty staight up to me, atleast there talking about and not what their doing for their holidays
  17. ARHHHH!! when was the last time we had a big group ride on the moors!!?! I think it's time for another Not sure on a date? Weekday or Weekend i'm not fussed aslong as it's not the next 2 weekends 20 plus people cam to the last and that was awsome but i'm sure we can get more than that this time. There will be the usual BBQ just bring something we can cook! PUT YOUR NAME DOWN FOOLS IF YOU WANNA COME!!
  18. Anybody know why there's a 4 cnced into the integrated boster? Titles? I like it a lot, just need to do it to a mod
  19. 48 engagments were they not more last time they were releasing these?
  20. Keiran have you made an Echo team yet? Have to go out riding soon you can use me as a dummy for some photos
  21. Ah you bitch I can't this Sunday I've had an invitation to go and ride with all the ladies at their British championship Not sure if it was a joke or something but there all bloody fine!! and a one peice trials suit on a hot day is something not to be missed! We need to sort a big ride on the moors again
  22. Andrie's Phone got nicked thats why it's not working I'll send you Joe's number, I know we are all going out friday night but Joe's a bum who doesn't work so he'll proberly be out at some point today aswell. Get yourself on the moors if you can it's immence!
  23. HAHAHAHAHA!! Got any proff to back up that wild acusation? I think it's a wicked idea! Looks like the mounts are CNCd so I don't think there should be any worry about stiffness. Looks neat aswell and if the hose is run on the insides of the stays then you should never have to worry about splitting a crossover.
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