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About Dannytrials

  • Birthday 10/15/1986

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Saw some of you guys in the station today I think after the heavens opened, reminded me of the good 'ol days, so tempted to go and buy my mates Leeson that he keeps offering me, just need to find some spare cash!
  2. Dannytrials

    Danny's pics

    Erm, my pictures!
  3. I sold the bike to put money towards my motorbike, now I'm stripping it completely this winter for a healthy dose of streetfightering so while it's off the road I'm hoping to buy my mates bike to start riding again, now that I can pretty much affford another bike. Although it's been a year since I last rode properly which is quite scary! :- :S"
  4. Bad news for yorkshire people, I'm thinking of starting again soon! :-"
  5. Dannytrials


    I can't believe some of the people on here these days, beyond belief! :(
  6. Really bad to hear, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery though all the best chief, Dan.
  7. Fookin 'ell Lee how do you get so much better each time I can't keep up mate. Good vid I'm well impress mara, bash on. Do a wheelie mate, woohoooo. Nice one boss. :blink:
  8. Great riding I think that made up for the slightly iffy filming but yeah I enjoyed it, didn't realise timmy had got that good and Rossi is still bloody amazing if slightly chubby. :P :shifty:"
  9. Do a wheeeeeeeeeeelieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! GBYB!! Haha hope you all have a good time guys won't be going this year seen as I don't have a bike!!! Haha!! Saying that I might follow you all down the first day just for a laugh watch some of the riding, unfortunately wouldn't be able to provide a lift for anyone though, can't even fit a mod on the back of me motorbike!! Hope there's another vid of it this year Judders. Have fun geezers. Dan (aka Borris le bozzer) :(
  10. I'd be up for buying one. I don't get chance to pop on here that often though so if someone could e-mail me when I can get one that would be great. Thanks. Dan. I'll keep popping back on though.
  11. I'm getting my new one tomorrow night after it got cancelled last week. All the usual crap about oohh you'll have it for the rest of your life, yeah well done, amazes me how it can take some people such a long time to work something simple out. I'll post a pic tomorrow.
  12. My old Koxx was the best with the purple theme I had, stickers, headset, hubs and bars, looked great, anyone got a picture of it lying around?
  13. Here we go. Stop all your'e arguing and get a motorbike, best grin to £ rate going!!!! My £2200 bike has been known to embarass owners of 3.2 litre audi tt's worth £20k plus hehe. No honestly though some nice cars on here, have to say I like the mini's the most, specially prawns, damn nice. Dan. EDIT: Before anyone comment's, I am riding on the right side of the road, that's a slip road to the left! >_<
  14. Another great video, it's amazing to see how much better youv'e all got, it's not even been that long since I stopped and you all seem 1000 times better than then! Judders I think your'e riding style is bloody brilliant next time your'e riding Leeds let me know I'm coming to watch! (Y)
  15. Mini Jaffa cakes. Mmmmmm, infact bugger I've just eaten the lot. Had some cookie dough ice-cream earliar too, now that's damn nice!
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