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Everything posted by Rob.

  1. Rob.

    Anyone Fish?

    amateurs. back in 99 i went on a fishing trip to cape town, went out on the boat and saw a big fish, i thought it was a cod but i was wrong it was a great white and it was massive, got my 50 stack fishing rod( laser sight technology and the lot) i went to cast, waited 5minutes and BANG got my self a great white, what a beauty .
  2. at 34.49 looks like kennys back wheel axle is over the tape, thought that was a five?
  3. last section and log section looked mental
  4. especially your mum coxy, rumor has it she knows everyone in yorkshire the mucky trout!
  5. Rob.

    Best Helmet Ever?

    i would rather wear a normal helmet instead of looking like a total mong with a space helmet
  6. Rob.


    Got a beasty crib on go now
  7. Rob.


    Does this mean we can lock our chests so its only the chest owner can access it?
  8. No, i would just like a pet lion.
  10. i will be happy with a lion or tiger. mike tyson had one so why cant i!
  11. Hey all! i want to move up in the pet owning world now, i do like dogs but i would like a lion. dey meen! Where could i buy one and do you think i can buy its food,toys, and other stuff from jollys? many thanks, rob
  12. I had 3 rockman manus frames in the space of 3-4months i belive, the first one came with anus instead of manus graphic, the 2nd one cracked on the dropout(disc side) same as the bjorn picture and my 3rd one cracked there also. SHIT FRAMES
  13. how much does the pass plus save on insurance?
  14. Anybody want to buy some brand new hope disc pads? £10posted

  15. I am more then bare game! where we meeting? cant wait to get troleeeeeeeed of mi tits
  16. Anybody want to buy some brand new hope mono disc pads? £10posted!

  17. its not a silver sky lol sky 2! do not know why everybody is beefing about how light it is!
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