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loner ryan

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About loner ryan

  • Birthday 06/29/1994

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  • Real Name
    ryan shield
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Koxx short level boss, avid BB7 front, rear maggy rim
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    motorbike trials mostly, would like to get better at bike trials, bit of snowboarding in the winter... about it.
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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. im madke such bad topics, and go on about random crap

  2. pure amazingness of 2010 gasgas ive got sweet blue rims
  3. Hello im Ryan This is a topic on the differentiation of wheel sizes and how they effect your riding and have an effect on riding styles and generally how there different. Heres some background to the creation of this topic: I ride a 20" Onza T-comp and i love it i find it heavy compared to others but its a good beginner bike and im still getting to grips with the basic skills, i had ago on someones 26" MAD Phase 1.2 and i noticed how different they ride on the 26" i was able to pedal hop further distances and just pedal hop better overall but found it harder to move around e.g endo's and side hopping excetera. whereas my 20" was the opposite i couldnt pedal hop it as well but i found alot more nimble. 20" in my eyes the 20" are the base of pushbike trials i think everyone just about has a 20" as there first bike. Ot pi rides a 20" doesn't he?(Or has.) 24" What can i say about the 24" besides Danny Macaskill! 24" bikes have influenced trials to a whole new level streey trial mixing more flow into riding. 26" Kenny belaey awsome 26" rider the way he rides his bike is just amazing. 19" What do people think about that 19" onza video? This topic is all in my views people will always have diffrent ideas. What do you guys think? Whats your favarouite size? How do you think they effect our riding? Trials has evolved so mutch over a reletively short period of time what do you think we should expect too see in years to come? Personally i think trials will move more to the 24". Again what do you guys think? Cheers Ryan
  4. I understand what you mean, in motorbike trials you have bearings that you just replace when they get worn down and get play but forsome reason in push you've got the cone bearings. When i adjust the play i just get a happy medium between the stiffness of movement and the amount of play which is hopefully none. So dont tighten it up too much so its solid tighten so it can still move and has no play, good way to do this is put one side in a vice and keep tightening and then checking the stiffness of turning untill you get that "Happy Medium" Hope this helps if not someone else will tell you. I probally do something dodgey,
  5. Im part of estc club they dont mind pushbike trials riders at all i dont think, you wont have too pay just lift your bike over the gate. Im down there alot on motor trials bike.
  6. Im from narborough on leicester if any one wants to ride ? I dont know any one in my area that rides and its pretty bad riding on your larry.
  7. Hi again, I saw your full name and looked it up on the results you ride a scorpa dont you? and a very good ride on 8! The yennards is my home ground me and my dad go down most wednesday nights to practice, thanks for the website link. I ride a sherco 2008 125 if you see me.
  8. Hmm, I think what your saying is a good idea, to get a stock to start learning and then when you get back into it start doing little mods to it tweaking it for your self. So if its not got great brakes then learn again with them and then when your good and you put decent brakes on you will feel like OT PI!
  9. What gets me is when they say "Hey give us a go on your bike mate" What do you say to that? I was thinking along the lines of "Jog on!" or " Its more then your lifes worth." (These answers are for the people that ask you for your bike rudely.)
  10. Orange, is that the same make as the mountain bike's Orange?
  11. Hi and welcome, for £1000-£1500 price range i would say you want to be looking at the lower price Adamant's or Koxx's. Hope i could help cheers ryan.
  12. Sounds good, are you as good as when you stopped or rusty?
  13. That is what happened the bars span round.(thanks for taking interest in my topic even though I'm new.)
  14. Sorry i just have to bring this up, the ridiculousness of the magura HS33 brake hoses there like straws! I was messing around on some pallets and fell off as every one does the handle rolled round so they where back to front then around again i fell onto the bike and with the pressure they snapped, brake fluid everywhere, amean im not the lightest person in the world but i dont think my weight should have snapped it, so i went onto tarty bikes and bought a braided house kit hopefully that will stand up to more stress. I suppose magura want this to happen so then you buy there extra's. Has anyone else ever had a problem with the hoses?
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