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    Anthony Ambury-Sullivan
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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. I used to use sony xplod 9/9s on my parcel shelf with a 15" kicker mounted in my spare wheel compartment, also had 5 1/4 alpines in the door cars and mouted my tweeters one in the steering rack column and one under the glove compartment. gave an all round sound and that bass sub (with it all running through a 1500w amp sounded amazing. Now im running stock in my new car whilst i wait for bits to arrive. Anthony.
  2. Defiantely thinking a stock set up now. Anyone got any suggestions....now an official noob to this. I rekon either a 26" set up or possibly a 24" any suggestions or what i should be looking for...i defiantely want used and busgets not endless!! I think I'd want front disk rear maggies...any tips or what to look out for? Thanks again.
  3. Yeah I've heard a lot of people improve once on stock. I think the jump bike element wil certainly help too. Thanks for the responses it's definately getting my brain in gear...still not sure if I should go for the financial investment to do it again!! Anthony.
  4. Hi everyone. I used to ride a couple of years back and always stuck to a mod as never relaly looked to progress much further....recently been debating starting afresh and had a ride on a friends stock and also I still ride jump. With the new technologies and lightness would you recomend starting on a stock to basically learn it again? My jump bike runs maggies and whenever im bored i take it out for a little hop around. Thanks everyone. Ant.
  5. So good! Did it work or did they simply tell you to stop being lairy? I was eating on a wall and a security guard came up to me and said you can't eat here....just as another ride bash plated a brick off the top of the same wall....No smart comments just a subtle walk away...
  6. Hi I'm Anthony. I used to ride about 3 years ago for about a year. Sort of moved on to learn to drive and spend money there. Not currently riding sort of reading the forums again to see if I do want to get back into it. Always rode 20" but now contemplating running a 24" set up as I also ride hardtail's for jump and a 26" downhill set up. Car's are basically my life as I sell them, rebuild them and generally enjoy them. Sport is another factor with bieks and football taking msot of my time. Live in North Devon and thats where I always rode. Cheers, Anthony.
  7. Hey all, Used to ride a 20 inch onza t pro about 3 years ago..recently started thinking about getting into it a bit again. I gues sim relaly after soem advice on what bikes used are about for like £200 and just need to catch up on the scene!! Anyone fancy a chat and advising me :) Anthony.
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