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Everything posted by haydon_peter

  1. As has already been said its all about the angle and speed you hit the wall at, just experiment with them a bit. Wallrides are something you have to commit to. Steve has pretty much explained what its all about. The more speed you have the better you will stick to [ride] the wall. You also get better ride if you hit the wall pretty much straight on and really flick the front wheel round before it hits the wall. I also recommend wall riding on brick walls as they are nice and grippy (Y) I might have to try using kickers into wallrides, I think it could prove to be interesting (Y)
  2. I aggree, 106's are like go karts (Y) Everyone complains I drive mune like a go kart aswell :P Its a shame they are such small engine sizes, I have to rag the crap out of mine everywhere I go [Especially when on motorways, its always in stupidly high revs] I might try to get a picture for you lot before I get a new car. I have done some research and discovered it would be a similar price [if not slightly cheaper] for me to insure a 1.6 306 compared to my current 954cc 106 :) So it looks like I will soon be getting a slightly bigger go kart with approximately 50% more cc and probably 50% more horsie power (Y) :P
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA Nice one nick :) Tic
  4. I find myself listening to Rage Against The Machine very regularly (Y) Also been listening to a lot of The Mars Volta recently. I am a a complete dick cos I turned down the offer of a spare ticket to see them play in London last night (Y) The new fulc EP is absolutely amazing! And as already said The Shape Of Punk To Come album by Refused is a masterpiece!
  5. This video is crazy, I love the way it has clips of everyone riding, it captures the mood of people going out and having fun on their bikes. A special :lol: To James (the666ers) for finally getting his head round bar spins off drops. This video scores a big fat gold star (Y)
  6. Rich Pearson's Video Shhh dont tell his mother :unsure:
  7. You toungue is in your mouth aswell, its a useful thing for counting teeth with...
  8. They have gone majorly downhill... Seen them play twice, both times they were good, its just all the new music is terrible compared to the the first two albums (Y) Their 3rd album (The Story So Far) was ok but then they decided to release a covers album :)
  9. 11 in the top row... I had too many teeth for my mouth so when I was younger I had a lot of orthodontic work. It involved removing 2 (I have a feeling it might have even been 3) of my adult teeth and spacing the rest out to fill the gaps. 12 in the bottom, again I had 2 of the adult teeth removed and the rest were spaced out accordingly. I have a wisdom tooth on the right hand side of the top set and the start of a wisdom tooth bottom right aswell. I dont think there are any wisdom teeth on the left side of my mouth though :unsure: Tic
  10. And have a fairly beastly machine to run the game...
  11. :turned: I am terrible at unreal tournament style games though. Too fast paced for me :-
  12. If I am free Sunday night I will play...
  13. Motocross Madness 2 wont run on my PC cos my machine its too upto date (N) There is some video codec that is required to run the game that is no longer supplied with windows (Windows XP onwards). I find it amusing that a Microsoft game wont run on a Windows system :D
  14. Profile Mini Cassette hubs only come in 36 and 28 hole... Interesting bodge up there :lol:
  15. The Hampshire comp was crazy. Someone got the digger and some kind of heavy lifting device out at Bransgore :) Remember all those rocks down the main track running along side the barbed wire fence? Well they have dug a series of trenches in the ground and used what came out of the holes to make a couple of classic Hampshire big off slopes and added some more concrete goodness!!! Have you still not got MSN Rich?!?! Hows the healing going? When do you think you will be back on the bike?
  16. Trials-Shack Linky, Enjoy Sam asked me to put this up on the net for him. It was filmed back in the summer when he went up to ride with Craig for a weekend. I have had this on my computer for ages and sam just reminded me about it and asked me to upload for all to laugh at. Its a 30 second clip and is about 5mb in size. Ouch :sick: Tic
  17. I hate being red/green colour blind :( I can only make it out if I stand 2m away from my monitor :( I am always the person that cant see magic eyes...
  18. Lets twist it round... Would you drive 25 miles [There and back so 50ish miles in total] along pitch black country roads to ride Salisbury in the freezing cold for 2 hours after finishing work at 7pm? Oh and its not exactly been dry weather recently - water + cold = ice... And congratulations for wrecking your own thread.... :( Tic
  19. EA70's and a decent stem... Or maybe some Azonic Double wall bars, Azonic bars have more upsweep on them than EA70's although the Eastons are stronger and more solid... its up to you really... Sod 'trials' bar and stem, you have a better selection of standard mountain bike bars/stem when you are riding 26"!!! I also suggest getting out and riding rather than spending out on new parts considering you have been riding for like 1 month and have only just got that bike... If you get out and ride, try different peoples set-ups and play round with the angle of your bars/length of stem you will be in a better position to decide on what bar and stem set-up suites you best... Tic
  20. Who said you have to run an sub aswell as some 6*9's? Im just running JBL GTO 6*9's with some matching JBL 13's off a 4X50w Sony headunit and its fine for my car (Peugeot 106). With my next car I expect I will be using JBL speakers again but I plan to amp up the 6*9's [and maybe amp up the 13's aswell but thats unlikely]. I dont plan to keep the 106 for much longer so im not gonna bother with anything else untilll I get my next car which I plan to keep for a couple of years at least. Tic
  21. I am probably going to see Electric 6 play at The Salisbury City Hall on Saturday night, should be a laugh if I do decide to go :S I really should get to more gigs, Im loving the list Matt [boon] has compiled! Matt, Jesse James are not that bad live, when I saw them play the sound levels were amazing and they actually played really well. Their songs are very cheesey though, come on one song is called Shoes and another one is called My Favourite Shirt :(
  22. I miss school aswell! School was the easy life. At the time I didnt really like it that much, I used to refuse to go [i think that was back in year 9]... Enough of that I dont want to talk about that. But now looking back to school it was great, everything planned out for you, sports for 3 hours a week, and hanging about with loads of great people! Enjoy school while it lasts! "Tic"
  23. As this is over the easter w/e I think I might come along to this :ermm: I dont know where the hell I will stay though :blink: Please sort out all the details asap :huh:
  24. Post the original pic up, I missed Dave do that gap...
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