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Everything posted by haydon_peter

  1. Have you got a method to fit a 20" tyre onto a 19" rim?
  2. haydon_peter

    Short Vid

    Hope your balls are OK after that last stack
  3. Gutted about what? I had a good nigh out and was the only one who didn't get snogged by Rich
  4. That didnt happen We all need to go out on a night when I'm not the desso driver!
  5. Skate Park in Fred's section is Romsey, its 20mins drive from Salisbury and a similar distance from Southampton. http://www.flipsideboards.co.uk/reviews/sk...s/South/Romsey/ I'm sure if you were interested someone could sort you out with lifts from train stations
  6. Interesting video Andy. Its nice to see some flowing camera work and a different style of riding for a change! (Shit BMX *cough* ) I liked Romsey skate park, we should do it again some when Although I think Romsey skate park hates me, my arse still hurts from its violation on the grind box
  7. Should make a crazy difference, I kinda think your going way overboard but I spose you only have one try unless you want to strip it down a second time so you may as well do a proper job to start with. I also think you should buy my sub and amp so you can run a dual set up, oh and when your done can we play with the two 12" Infinities and massage my back again?
  8. You have all the songs I never managed to find 5 songs from Revolution...
  9. Loving the look of this Steve! A couple of years ago Adam and Dave at Tarty attempted something similar with an 18t splined cog to fit Middleburn cranks for use on a mod with bash plate, it was a shame that the proto they gave me didn't have quite enough clearance from the cranks to fit a chain though! I am really happy that you have opened up the option to run Middleburns on a mod! When I used to ride stock I ran the same set of Middleburns for 3 years problem free, since changing to mod I have been through 3 different sets of cranks (The first set I had were Monty cranks and the tapers died quickly, then I ditched my bash plate in favour of Echo square taper cranks and bash but sadly they were machined badly [The tapers weren't right so the cranks felt really bent and meant the chain had a very tight spot on it] finally I am running my current Echo cranks which so far have been OK). If I still had my old cranks I would be jumping at the opportunity to go back to Middleburns! Currently I don't ride enough to justify changing my working set-up however this opens up a whole new world for when I do need to replace cranks
  10. Please think before you type. "No flaming", forum rules. Anyway back to the topic: Ash is a good rider, he beats people older than him at competitions (including me ) From a trials riders point of view I can understand why some people would prefer to see Ash's place taken by a 'more impressive' rider, but as has already been said it will be great for any kids at the show to watch someone their own age prove that anyone can have a go. The same goes for Nadine showing that females can give the sport a go as well, off the top of my head the only other females that could ride the show would be Lois Morgan. At the end of the day the show is about promotion of the sport as well as big impressive riding. I think I am going along to the show, luckily I also have an interest in other areas of cycling so there should be a lot for me to look at.
  11. Last night my work became one of the comic relief donation centres. From 7 'til midnight the office was packed with people taking donations. We took around £80,000 last night, the highest donation was £2000 and I took a call that donated £500. One of my team leaders took a call that went something like "Sorry I am not calling to donate, I was ringing in the hope there was a complaints option because of Jeremy Clarkson"
  12. There were 3 biketrials films directed by Reed Merschat. The video's (in release order) were Revolution, Evolve and Contact. More details can be found on the Calculated Risk Films Website
  13. Walk into the bank. Tell them you want to close your account. Get either a cheque or cash for the remaining balance you have outstanding. Job done. This is what I did with a Woolwich building society account I had and they didn't even try to stop me closing the account.
  14. Woah, now that's a useful post Chris! Like Chris has said, if you have a case that is just big black and normal looking put something on it to make it easily identifiable! I didn't do this when I flew in November and it was a bitch finding my case in Dubai and Jordan! The person I was travelling with had a more unique blue case and you could spot it from a mile away. On the way back I put a few bright red Emirates luggage tags that were free at the Airport in Cairo on my case and it made things a bit easier when I arrived back at Heathrow knackered! (Note I just said a bit easier, do something crazy to your case so it stands out from a mile away!) I also advise wearing a few layers, it may just be me but I generally find planes cold! Also these layers count towards spare clothes in the (hopefully unlikely) event your luggage gets lost. If you plan to sleep put your seatbelt on beforehand so hostesses don't have to wake you up if you hit turbulence, if you are going to cover yourself with a blanket while you sleep put your seatbelt on over the top of the blanket so again hostesses wont need to wake you up if you hit turbulence. If you have taken your MP3 player with you to use these headphones when watching the TV, the ones supplied are usually shit. If you get travel sick take a pill, you don't want to be ill, no one on the plane will like you for it! Because your travelling alone try your best to get an isle seat so its easier to get up to visit the loo, if you are unable to get an isle seat complain you have the shits and request to be changed Regarding prices visit some local travel agents, I'm currently researching flights to Australia and have found great prices on-line but surprisingly one of the local travel agents isnt far off these prices! If you are under 25 with some airlines you qualify for a young person discount even if you are not a student! If you are a student make sure you get a ISIC (International Student Identity Card), you could make some nice savings! I'm not sure how much it could save in USA but when going around Jordan and Egypt I was paying full rates to get into all the museums, temples etc... whereas all the students were using these cards to get a 50% discount!
  15. Lets set a date for a trials-forum XC weekend!
  16. Even 48 isn't overly hot. In the summer my CPU regularly sits at a temperature around the high 40's. To enter the BIOS (Basically the motherboard settings) with most motherboards you press delete as soon as the machine has been started. Hopefully there will be an option to set the temp the warning alarm goes off. Although seeing as you didn't know what the BIOS is I guess your not too good with computers so it might might be safer to avoid changing settings unless your happy about what your doing. I guess you have one or two chassis fans pulling the hot air out of the case?
  17. I dont remember much grass at the camp site its mainly sand Kinda wish I was going again this year, last year was a right laugh! Going to New York that week instead though
  18. What CPU is it? 40 degrees isn't really hot. Are you able to change a setting in the BIOS so the alarm goes off at a higher temperature?
  19. Had the problem with Wanadoo/Freeserve/Orange or whatever they are now called. 2mb service used to disconnect loads, sometimes it would be fine for hours on end, others it wasn't usable because it would disconnect every few minutes. Rang the helpdesk a few times but every time they said there were no problems and blamed my Netgear router. Eventually changed to BT and the problem sorted itself out and we got a speed upgrade (BT offer a maximum of 8mb but my area is currently limited to 5mb). I don't know what the problem was but I am guessing BT prioritise the lines in favour of their own customers rather than the people using other providers through BT lines.
  20. As you already know I do love a bit of XC We will definitely have to hook up some when! I can easily get to Haldon free ride park near Exeter, or Cwm Carn and Afan in Wales. I really want to ride at Cwm Carn soon, I have only been to Afan so far but Cwm Carn is closer and looks awesome.
  21. I would just like to point out that the next Hampshire competition is stupidly close to Southampton. If it takes 3 hours for you to get from Chichester to Southampton I would be amazed. Mapquest tells me Chichester is only 35 miles from Southampton. There are also 2 Hampshire venues that are near Petersfield, which is according to mapquest only 16 miles away from Chichester. The furthest away Hampshire venue is near Wareham which is 75 miles away from Chichester but even this isn't that far compared to the distance some people have to travel! (2 years ago I drove up to Yorkshire for the World Champs, this was a 250 mile 6 hour drive for me in Friday night rush hour traffic. I have been to a few South West Comps which are usually 2-3 hour drives for me and I have even competed at a few YMSA comps which have involved me travelling 3-4 hours and staying at mates houses for the weekend) So to put it simply, why are you complaining there are no competitions near to you? To help you even further here is a list of this years Hampshire comps for you: 4th March - Hut Hill, Chandlers Ford, Southampton (Approx 35 Miles away from Chichester) 1st April - Bransgore, near Ringwood in the New Forest (Approx 55 miles from Chichester) 6th May - Nutcomb Row, close to Petersfield (Approx 16 Miles from Chichester) 10th June - Venue not yet decided 8th July - Wareham (Approx 75 miles away from Chichester) 9th September - Venue not yet decided 7th October - Hut Hill, Chandlers Ford, Southampton (Approx 35 miles from Chichester) 18th November - Bransgore, near Ringwood in the New Forest (Approx 55 miles from Chichester) If you are seriously interested in competing at a few of the Hampshire competitions ring Terry Graves the club secretary on 02380 643 503.
  22. :D Best Biketrials film ever! Awesome editing, brilliant riding and a great soundtrack to match! Everyone needs to watch this video now! Its a sad thought, but there are actually riders out there that have never seen these classic films! I might have to dig out my Revolution, Evolve and Contact VHS' and watch them! Reed Merschat should release the trilogy on DVD
  23. Thanks for posting a pic of me in my underwear up on the internet
  24. There is room if it helps you out, you would just be squashed up in the back of a 306. I dont mind because I will have loads of room in the drivers seat so as long as the others are happy and you can get to Salisbury you can have a lift there...
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