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Everything posted by haydon_peter

  1. haydon_peter


    I had loads of work done to my teeth when I was younger and they are still f**ked. From the age of about 12 through to 15 I was always having work done to my teeth. I had a load of teeth removed to create room in my mouth for the others to be moved and straightened with braces (One of my front top front teeth was completely behind the others haha) Last year at the age of 22 I had to have 3 of my wisdom teeth removed because they were not growing straight. Even after all the removal of teeth and braces etc... my teeth don't actually meet, there is about a 6mm gap where my front teeth don't meet! I have to go back to the hospital this year to have a check up in regards to my 4th wisdom tooth that still might need to be removed! At this point they are going to chat to me about my 'open bite' but if I want it fixed I will have to get even more orthodontic work done and I'm guessing I might have to get my jaw broken and re-aligned. I highly doubt I will ever bother getting this fixed though. Just get the braces now and get your teeth sorted free on the NHS, count yourself lucky that your not 22 and still having problems with your teeth!
  2. I am guessing you mean My Bike (Yes I know I have not changed anything on the bike for years ) Note: In the picture it's Mark Westlake on my bike not me, I wouldn't want people to think I'm Mark haha
  3. This is my new toy... Commencal Meta 55XT, only changes so far are the EA70 Bars, grips and Race Face Bash. I am yet to take it for a thrashing so its very clean...
  4. 1. Sam Jones 2. Danny Kearns 3. Max Hunt 4. Ryan Iley 5. Joe Bayliss 6. Daniel Gunston 7. Carl Stanton 8. Tom Munday 9. Tom Webb 10. George Fathers 11. Nick Goddard 12. Sam Wheeler 13. Chris Mason 14. Allen 'Boumsong' Watson 15. David Biddle + katie 16. Andy B 17. Chris Elson 18. Dan Brooker 19. Dan Steele 20. Ross Gardener 21. Jack Meek 22. Mike Winton (probably!) 23. Dan O'Shea. 24. Rich Jones. 25. Rowan Johns. 26. Adam-Griffin 27. Richard Johnston 28. steve parry(banbury trials) 29. Adam Bessell 30. James Porter 31. Joe Baxter 32. Ash Kennard 33. Chris Abbey 34. Stan Shaw 35. Dan Campbell 36. Mike Crowther 37. Nick Manning 38. Ashley Wood (Woody) 39. Adam Phillips (Bigman) 40. Alex Munro (probably!) 41. Ben Rowlands 42.john shrewsbury 43.Ryan Granaski 44.Alex Foster 45.Alex Clarke 46.Adrian Griffiths 47. Joe Rothwell 48. Chris Page 49. Luke Walder (Moggles) 50.Dave Anscombe (MRKOXX) 51.Tom Jefferies 52. Dave Marshall 53. Matt Purdon (Skoze) 54. Simon Doyle 55. Steve Tse 56. Josh Joyce 57. rob brodie 58. andy ball 59. Michael Singleton 60. Matt Burrows 61. Max Trumpet 62. Tim Stedman 63. Tom Wynne 64. Rich Pearson 65. Stefan Perks 66. Nick Vaughan 67. Connor Powell 68. Brad Thurston 69. Alex Dark 70. Adrian Jordan 71. lloyd brinicombe 72. Max Dench-layton 73. Adam Holt 74. Ben Collins 75. Sam Collins 76. Davetrials 77. Phil williams 78. Rob Cook 79. Tom Lane (Boss) 80. George Holland 81. Rich Garrett 82. Glen Robinson/Fat Pants 83. Craig Taylor (if the cast is off) 84. Danny Swindlehurst ( ) 85. Harry Cox (coxy) 86. Tom Chilvers 87. Mark Westlake a.k.a. OBM 88. Tom Gilly 89. Larry Baily 90. Nathan Woodley 91. Matt Bird 92. Fred Judd (scene) 93. Owen Thornhill 94. Dave Walters 95. Ben Johnson (El Pedigroso?] 96. Jon Mack 97. Mat 'Scopse' + Dr. Nick Riviera 98. Benjaminnnnnn John-Hynessss 99. Aussie Dave 100. Luke Rainbird 101. grant hundley 102. tris thompson (jebend) 103. matt bradley (the harshest rider in the world) 104. Adam Read (Tart) & Claire (Probably) 105. Joe Hurst(Bob Fossil) 106. Josh Wood 107. Robbie Bales 108. Stuart Powney 109. Ben Murray (provisionally. He's the other rider from around here) 110. Ryan Blackwell 111. Shane barrett 112. Felix steward 113. Sam WAddington (Waddy) 114. Dave Cleaver (Inspired/Trialtech bad boy) 115. Tim Hill 116. graham morland aka Nezza' 117. Steve Atterbury 118. Rob Avery 119. Peter Haydon (Tic)
  5. Bought my copy today. Its better than Roam but I still prefer The Collective out of all the films.
  6. There is no evidence that the boat blows up. We know that Sun survives as she is one of the 'Oceanic Six', we also know that she is currently on the boat which you suggest blows up. If Jin does get blown up with the boat Sun has to get off the boat and leave him there to die (I guess that would mean he was trying to defuse the bomb thats on the boat). From the Sun flash forward episode it suggests that Jin does in fact die, but that could also be a cover up and Jin was not allowed to leave the Island but his death was faked. Either way we don't know if he dies or not for sure. I'm stupid as well then? Don't be such a willy. There has been no background story or explanation about him yet so if you know something about him why not share? (I don't want some shit guessing story off a Lost fan site, I want real explanations using stuff that has happened in shows). You saw him watching John Lock being born and you have seen him in various other flash backs all over the time line but as of yet no explanation of why he has not aged! Joe, I like your thinking about the desert and polar bear bones being dug up in the flash back! All the stuff they were digging up could be left from when the Island was moved at some other point in the story line. From what Ben was saying in the latest episode potentially The Island has been moved before.
  7. Random fact. Last year I went to a 'Sneakers Exhibition' The full list of shoes for JonMac to dribble over can be found here Back on topic - I am nearly 23 and am about 5'3" tall, does that make me the shortest member?
  8. It looks like they are filming him descending via a very long and dangerous vine? However he is being belayed from a tree and Im sure you couldnt see this safety rope in the actual broadcast footage? Bear Grylls pisses me off...
  9. My Camelbak got mould in the tube once and all I did was blast it through with water then push some kitchen roll through it using the earth of some stripped cable. I expect the outer of a of a brake/gear cable would work? Or a coat hanger? For cleaning get some baby bottle sterilisation tablets from Boots.
  10. Don't forget that you have to queue up for ages just to ride the course for 15 minutes...
  11. What's the problem with not being able to ride in the trials area? Last time I went I rode my bike for a total of 15 minutes over the whole weekend! There is still Beer, 'Extreme Sports', Music, camping with other riders at the Bath and West Show Grounds, more Beer... I really don't see much difference to previous years!?!? I should be coming along
  12. They didn't show an accurate shot of what he 'climbed', the camera was always close up and it was all shakey and dramatised. I expect that 'climb' was more if a scramble and was relatively straight forward without ropes or protection!
  13. Cant make this years I'm in Wales riding my "real" bike that weekend
  14. To be getting over £12k per year doing part time work is pretty much impossible unless you practically do full time hours. By any chance do the people you know that get £16k work three 12 hour days a week in a call centre on commission basis? (Sounds fun doesn't it? haha)
  15. Or you could f**k doing full time work now and go to college for FREE. Don't waste your money later in life doing something you could do now for free. If you are avoiding doing college now due to lack of exam results your only going to be in the same situation whenever you decide to go back into education? If you take a break from education now its going to be even harder to settle back into it in the future! I didn't like college that much while I was there but looking back on it I have realised what a great 2 years it was! During college you can have fun, meet loads of new people, ride your bike during all the free time you are likely to have, make use of a large amount of holiday instead of just having 20ish days per year, you don't have to worry about having to book your holiday when it suits the company, its unlikely you will be allowed to book holiday during busy school holiday periods when your mates in education are on holiday. I would be amazed if you take home the amount of money you quoted earlier working in retail, like Tom said you are going to get raped by the tax man! If your in education you get to avoid Mr Tax man! If you start work now when are you going to learn to drive? Speaking from experience fitting in regular driving lessons while you are working full time can be awkward. The list goes on! Stick with education! If you can think of something you would like to do at college apply and go to the interview with a positive mind, as long as you show your adult and that your keen you would probably get onto the course even with bad GCSE's. If your results aren't good enough to do A-Levels you could do a foundation course/GNVQ which would lead you onto a BTEC and then you could even continue to University. Sit down and brainstorm your interests and get your arse to a careers advisor now before its too late!
  16. Haven't ridden in Egypt but spent a few weeks travelling through Jordan and Egypt in 2006. Personally I wouldn't take my bike, as has already been said there is so much more that you could be doing... Visiting Museums, eating amazing food and smoking Shisha with the locals. Cairo is a pretty crazy city, has shit loads of cars with maniacs behind the wheel. There will be stuff to ride somewhere but there is so much else you could be taking in. Giza is pretty much attached to Cairo and is where the pyramids are (I guess you knew that already though) Alexandria is a lovely coastal area with sea defences and rocks that I'm sure you could ride on. You would definitely provide entertainment to the locals as I doubt many of them will have seen trials before The legend that is Hans Rey has ridden in Egypt! The report from his website is HERE Also, what job do you do?!!? I want a job where I get to travel the World!
  17. Woah, I just checked and found all 7 copies piled on top of my big stack of MBUK magazines! August/September 2002 October/November 2002 December/January 2003 Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6 Issue 7
  18. Shimano Hones Truvative Firex The Truvative Forex cranks came on my XC bike when I bought it just over 2 years ago. I have had to replace the BB but otherwise the cranks have been fine. If I was buying a new set of cranks I would probably go for the Shimano Hones
  19. Hell yeah! I dont plan on taking my bike though! The music this year should be fun: Friday night = Pendulum live set Saturday night = Less Than Jake
  20. Not really hip hop but wanted to add that Cut Chemist's latest solo album is worth a listen
  21. haydon_peter

    Koxx Days 08

    :lol: Shame I didn't go this year! Who is coming to NASS?
  22. Got my confirmation email at like 2am I'm happy with just getting Friday tickets, so far I personally think Friday is the best day! Sister went to HMV in Southampton today at 7:30 to be greeted by a massive que containing some people who had waited all night to get tickets, she didn't get tickets and I now have the task of trying to find her a pair of weekend camping tickets or weekend camping with coach (problem being that now there are no coach tickets that leave from close enough)
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