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Everything posted by haydon_peter

  1. I'm gutted I didnt make it this year with you guys and cant wait for next summer! I also find it amusing seeing Kev crashed at the side of the trail at 2 minutes and even more amusing that you went the wrong way and missed the last section of trail
  2. haydon_peter


    http://lite.facebook.com/ Its not finished yet but looks promising... I signed up to facebook after travelling, its the easiest way to stay in touch with people you have met. Using facebook I have caught up with people I met on a trip in the Middle East in both Australia and New Zealand, I spose this could have been arranged via email but facebook just made it so simple. There are various groups that have been set-up for the bus trips I have been on and its cool to see other peoples travel photos. I have also used facebook to plan sections of my trips, eg. when in NZ I used facebook to let someone know when I was arriving in Australia and to find out what hostel they were staying in so I could meet them and stay in the same hostel. Facebook is great for keeping in touch with people, sharing photos, creating groups and events. The chat facility is useful although its quite annoying and has problems at the moment. All the stupid quizzes and applications can f**k off.
  3. That was an interesting listen. Respect for managing to hold it together for nearly 20 minutes! Trials is hard enough to explain to someone who has been watching you ride, let alone to someone over the phone while its being broadcast live over the radio! I recently watched Kranked 8 and there is a section on there about a blind mountain biker in Canada. It was crazy, he is totally blind in his left eye and I think he said he has around 20% vision in his right eye, it was pretty crazy! He follows his friends down the hills to guide him! He was getting air over jumps as well
  4. These guys know where its at I have used ODI Long Necks on my bikes for a few years now and wont be changing to anything else
  5. I am fairly sure Fred never got around to fitting it to his bike. I remember hearing those hydraulic gyros were awkward to bleed...
  6. WD40 is a lubricant! I hope you understand why you shouldnt use a lubricant to clean a braking surface...
  7. I got up at 5am to watch the race live on freecaster. It was well worth waking up that early
  8. Putting WD40 on a braking surface sounds like a great idea
  9. I know there are a few people on here that are into their Mountain Biking (XC/DH/Freeride etc... anything thats off road and isnt trials) so I have decided to start this thread. Here is my 2008 Commencal Meta 5.5 XT. This bike has given me loads of smiles all over the UK and also in the Alps, it has taken everything I have thrown at it although admittedly in Les Arcs there were times when I was wishing I had been on a slightly longer travel bike with slacker angles
  10. The Salisbury trials scene has had better days. Me - Still have my trials bike but can be found riding my XC bike more often than the trials bike Chris - Sold his trials bike but still rides XC and road bikes Dan - Still has a trials bike but rarely rides Mike - Still has a trials bike but rarely rides Fred - Still has a trials bike but is away at uni in Oxford so rarely rides Rich - Sold his bike years ago I am sure if something was arranged people would go out for a ride though
  11. That was entertaining That horse is the Westbury White Horse, it is very steep! I hadn't seen the 'Day at the seaside' or 'Golden nugget' videos either before, the stuff he is pulling off on the full sus bike in the 'Golden Nugget' video is awesome!
  12. Sorry to go off topic but the unemployment level is all a load of bullshit. Listening to Radio 2 while in my Dads car last week they were taking phone calls about peoples experience claiming Job Seekers Allowance. Loads of people were calling in saying that they hadn't bothered to sign on and claim JSA because it wasn't worth it etc... There were newly qualified uni students that were living off 'the bank of mum and dad' rather than signing on, people that had been made redundant but were not allowed to claim JSA for one reason or another. So there are a huge amount of people that are unemployed that I bet are not included in the statistics given out because they are not signed on as unemployed!
  13. This is the girl trouble thread, not the happy thread...
  14. A poll for t-f's sexiest male member and not one person has mentioned George Seamons?
  15. Since when did you need to go to a gym to get fit? Run, walk, cycle etc... you can do exercise without paying a gym! Also the highlighted text indicates to me that you should really be practising spelling and English language...
  16. Do a tandem jump. You are strapped to someone who has been trained, has completed hundreds if not thousands of jumps and does it for a living, the equipment is good and you have a reserve chute, what could go wrong?
  17. When you first leave the plane everything kinda goes slow motion but then before you know it you have reached terminal velocity and your free falling at around 120mph. The sensation of leaving the plane and accelerating so quickly is hard to describe! The easiest answer is: GET OUT THERE AND TRY IT!!! The parachuting for me was the worst bit, I used to get really bad travel sickness and I still get sick on boats out on rough seas so the first time I got really disorientated when the guy started spiralling us around and bringing us in to land. I felt like utter shit and nearly passed out then when we made it to the ground I was as white as a ghost haha. I hadn't eaten any breakfast that day so I have a feeling that had something to do with it all. The second jump I had eaten properly and knew what to expect, warned the guy I was jumping with what happened the first time I jumped and the whole parachuting experience was much nicer.
  18. A quick look on google found these: http://www.tandemjump.co.uk/ http://www.ukskydiving.co.uk/ The nearest centre to you would be Netheravon which is not far from Salisbury and Andover. Its going to cost you £200-£300. If you want photos or video of you jumping its going to cost you even more. The location doesn't matter, your jumping out of a plane and the first time you wont be taking in the views! My first tandem jump was on a cloudy day landing on a beach in Australia, it was crazy, I nearly passed out and I was buzzing from it for hours! My second tandem was on a clear day in New Zealand and it was also crazy but because I knew what to expect I felt more relaxed and enjoyed the experience much more! If I had lots of money I think it could be a very addictive hobby!
  19. I have done 2 tandem jumps and whenever I get the chance to do another I will. Its amazing and I think everyone should try it!
  20. "Bouldering is a style of rock climbing undertaken without a rope and normally limited to very short climbs so that a fall will not result in serious injury. It is typically practiced on large boulders or artificial man-made boulders" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouldering
  21. All the info you need should be on http://www.ukclimbing.com/ I still climb once or twice a week indoors and am confident leading 6b's. Been outdoors climbing sports routes a few times this year, I need to get outside more often! Its not easy being a climber and living in Salisbury, the nearest indoor wall is 30 miles away and the nearest crag is nearly 40 miles away...
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