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Everything posted by haydon_peter

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-YNkN-6usk
  2. I was actually laughing because you went to the trouble of measuring it. Has anyone been sad enough to check if Jardo is right or not? Oh wait, I forgot, Jardo is always right
  3. 80bhp is basically an entire family hatch back more power
  4. Does anyone else think it's strange that Jardo keeps offering to clean my car for me while I play with his girlfriends boobs?
  5. News with the Leon... 50% of the doors are re-sealed and no longer appear to be leaking, all this rain we have been having is giving the new seals a good test but has also meant I have not been able to do the other doors. At least the doors I have re-sealed were the ones that were leaking into the car so the most important ones are done. I'm now used to the standard car and am almost bored of it, I'm starting to understand why you guys end up doing mod after mod
  6. Did you not see the quotation marks around his figures?
  7. A work colleague found this and we thought it was amusing, it looks like Jimmy Savile's flat is up for sale: http://www.rightmove...?thumbnailId=14 Here is a photo of him in the flat: http://menmedia.co.u...r-be-served-now
  8. Kriss Kyle - Dig Deep http://mpora.com/videos/AAdauthb2nwq
  9. :lol: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2218920/Bodyform-viral-spoof-YouTube-video-Response-Richard-Neills-Facebook-rant-period-adverts.html
  10. Police use Taser on blind man after stick mistaken for sword http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-19979184
  11. Ashton riding a road bike back in 2010:
  12. Redbull has blocked the video because of copyright when it didn't even appear to be their footage? What a bunch of miserable twats! Cam Zink has posted the POV video to facebook: https://www.facebook...426948390686283
  13. Wait until you have a firm offer from the new company before discussing with your current manager. From what you have said, if you do get an offer from the larger company you would be stupid to turn it down. Plus it sounds like you have already decided that if you get an offer you will take it. When writing your notice letter just use the templates on http://www.i-resign.com/
  14. How much commission do you get from the sale?
  15. I find it funny that Jardo has gone all car salesman on his girlfriend. If he still worked in a bike shop would he have managed to get Lou to finance a road bike, cycle to work and cancel her gym membership?
  16. Seems more likely to be driver error. Apparently it wasn't their car and it happened at the end of the first lap. Saturday was chaos! 30+ cars per session, overtaking on the left, overtaking on bends and I hardly saw any black flags! I even saw cars getting released from the pits into traffic I wouldn't mind taking a car out on track one day but have been really put off doing it after seeing what people were getting away with on Saturday! I think it would have been a terrible day to go out on my first track session, especially seeing as I only want to do 1-2 sessions just to say I have tried it.
  17. "Jardo broke my car... water is beading on it, this has never happened before"
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