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Everything posted by Badboy

  1. might help- have a look here --->e-cards might give you some ideas
  2. Badboy

    Not Again!

    Very true. 10 years ago all this would be blamed on the IRA. Things change an now we have this situation, but as a country we need to pull together an bring these people to justice. Not go out like a lynch mob an track them down. We need to show them we are more civilised than that. Also our justice system needs sorting but thats a different thing all togther! :blink:"
  3. Badboy

    Not Again!

    I think our imigration/asylum system is absolute rubbish (normally I would use stronger words but they will get filtered anyway :blink:" ) But dont get me started on politics, this thread aint about that. Its to keep everyone up to speed about what has just happened an to hope that no-one is injured by this event.
  4. Badboy

    Not Again!

    :blink: :lol: (Y) :o holy crap! There is another report of a rucksack exploding on one of the tube trains! From here! edit: that is the nail bomb :P Something really needs to be done! I heard they were searching everyones bags as they entered the stations, or is that not true?
  5. Badboy

    Not Again!

    More stuff happening on the tube system in London. Hope everyone is ok an this is nothing more than a scare! :blink:
  6. Caisso (N)" about 5ft tall rides a long(ish) stock bike Dani Comas huge, bout 6ft rides a monty! (short mod) so it really is down to how you feel on each bike! If you watch the vid of the UCI comp in Graz (in the vids section) you will see that a lot of the mod riders on there are quite tall
  7. Look, all I wanna do is get theses two bikes sold. My understanding is that new members cant post in the for sale section, an that they also cant PM. so how do they contact me about the bike if they want it? They cant. so that is why i put this thread up. sorry. Yes that is me, I made the ebay account to sell the bikes, that is why i have no feedback, yet!
  8. Most (not all) scams are pretty obvious. My bro was selling a crosser an kept getting mails from someone asking if he would accept a cashiers cheque, an if we could let them have our postcode so they could arrange a courier to collect it. The spelling started off really posh (queens english) an got worse as the mail went on. Found out there was a lot of this going on at the time, you give them your postcode an they tap it into a sat-nav system an come an nick your bike! Also the cashiers cheque never arrives. But that dont sound like a scam, like said before, be careful an get them to pay upfront an yuo should be fine. (Y)
  9. Full bike ready to ride Less than 20hrs left though, so get in quick
  10. Well done Dan an Ash, an to all the brit riders who represented their country an did well in bad conditions. UCI champ = Ash Butler :shifty:" Keep up the good work guys
  11. 1 puppy :lol: Well kind of, he is only 9 months old but he is huge! (N) Maybe because he is a rottweiller :P" Very soft though, more likely to get licked to death than eaten! Serious bark on him though!
  12. Badboy

    Have A Laugh

    Play it again an turn ur speakers up! They are talking about her like she is an antique, passed on from his dad, he is digusted wen the guys says they r fake. Sorry i thought it was funny
  13. Badboy

    Have A Laugh

    Its funny because of the look of disgust on his face! Think antiques roadshow :)"
  14. Badboy

    Have A Laugh

    Check this vid i got sent a link for: Video Very funny, might lighten the mood as well on here! An check the guys face at the end!!! :)
  15. Very well put Aust. For the marks to have been added to Dans score, over 2weeks after the 'alleged' incident, then a committe meeting must have taken place for this to be voted on, and the defendant must have been present to take the verdict. As per the rules an regulations that we follow, ie. BIU rules an the rules of the UK governing body the ACU. Dont think that happened somehow! What ever happens with regards to Dan an Ash riding at the world round there is no denying that some people have it in for them, they are constantly fighting to keep their heads above water. Which in this world as you say waynio is very petty, everyone should get along!
  16. Thoughts an prayers go out to all those unfortunate to be caught up in this, those injured, and those who have lost their lives for no reason. :S I'm also hoping that everyone is OK an that nothing else happens. <_<
  17. So is Dan, but it seems there are some people out there who dont want him to win, or ride, an are making life hard for him.
  18. Maybe the fact that they were told that 2005 results would count also came into it! (Y)" i.e. 2nd in the BIU Euro's, currently leading the British Master catagory
  19. Very true! Well said that man. Now, a few years back, there was an incident in spain between Brian Matthews an Dave Butler the end result was that Dan an Ash were banned from having a BIU licence for a year. So they served the sentence an took their punishment. Dan rode more UCI comps Now when this other person (mentioned in the above quote) was punished the following year, certain people wrote letters, made phone calls, an complanied so the punishment was over turned. The punishment was very similar, years ban from international events/no BIU licence. Has anyone read George Orwell's "Animal Farm"? Well there is a great quote in there: Everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others This seems very true of the 'people in power' within our sport. Now I am sure we live in the 21st century an we live in a democratic country, where things are done by a vote. But it seems that these people want to run our sport as a dictatorship. Whether it be for financial gains or otherwise, who knows.
  20. Liking the blue on the 26! (Y) Wonder if the BB on the 20 will be as high as the 26 version :S"
  21. YOU WHAT???? :- I know, if i spit on the ground over here, then that lady way over there will have a go at me, so i think il do it anyway! Load of crap. How was Dan to know that Barbara would over react an go mad at him for spitting on the ground (and well away from her). Dan is a good rider, he isnt a a mind reader an he cant see the future. Everyone has to spit mud out of their mouths, I have done it, an I'm sure most if not all on here have at some point. Its petty that Dan has been singled out for punishment for such a silly thing. But what is even more astonishing is that after the trial Dan went an apologised to Barbara an the matter was 'left at the gate' (meaning no further action was going to be taken) But it seems that they are still trying to punish Dan for an incident that has already been dealt with!!! What is also petty is that Ash has been tarred with the same brush because of his surname. A little while ago they were crying out for the kids, saturday riders, to enter the comp. Now it shows up that they have refused Ash's entry, he would ride on the sat. How petty is that? Rant over. Now back to the point. What is needed here is to show the powers that be that they have made a mistake by leaving Dan an Ash out of the team. Now either people are afraid to show their support for these two in fear of losing their own ride or something else. The Butlers were praised for their behaviour in Sweden, so why are they being singled out in this country? Please can all UK riders that have a place on the team, show their support
  22. Dan puts a lot of emotion an effort into his riding. I have seen him throw up after a section because he has given it 110%. He is a very committed rider. He has a competition background, moto trials an such. So he puts all his energy into the sections. He swears at no-one but himself when he gets something wrong, out of frustration. As, I'm sure, most of us are guilty for the same thing! There is a lot of corruption at the top Xdream, its just that there are some people who can put a very good front on to cover things up. Mark, whether the british round of the world championships happens or not, it wont affect your ride no. All that is being said, an the reason this topic was started, is that 2 of the country's current top riders in their respective classes are being left out of a international competition, when they could do very well. An the result on the paper would show well for the level of riding in this country as a whole.
  23. I think what Ben meant was that BIU world masters an elite riders are auto seeded an therefore dont count to the rider numbers. It seems silly that a rider who is leading the national master class is not allowed to compete in world expert class!! Unfortunatly there is too many 'cheifs' trying to run the british biu committee, an it can only mean bad for the sport in this country. John, how was your phone call?
  24. Look at Wayne Rooney. He is a total a**ehole, swears at officials all the time, spits, gets photographed with hookers. But he still has a place in the England squad, because he is good at scoring goals! An goals win matches. Same as Dan an Ash's points would give the UK a huge boost as a country, as well as maybe bringing an individual title back to these shores.
  25. Unfortunately the BIU do not let people ride as "independants". You have to be on your countries team to get a ride.
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